Tuesday, November 30, 2010
RT @bretmichaels: Be sure to pick up the December 2010 issue of "Diabetes Forecast" magazine featuring Bret Michaels http://fb.me/K7PYXKWH
RT @Drudge_Report: Sen. Inhofe Boycots Hometown 'Holiday' Parade -- says Christ missing from event name... http://drudge.tw/gORtV5
RT @jeweljk: Sending out some luv 2 the kids at @stjude fighting cancer. U can help. Go 2: http://www.tg.stjude.org
RT @foxnewspolitics: President Asked Staffers, Note-Takers to Leave for Portion of Bipartisan Meeting http://fxn.ws/eQCMYj
RT @howiemmandel: Love it. RT @harpersbazaar: Brilliant & Funny - the new "Miss TSA Pinup Calendar" - http://tinyurl.com/25z3yf7
RT @oreillyfactor: O'Quiz: DevelopersOfTheProposedMosqueNearGroundZeroHaveRequestedFundingFromWhichOfThese?TakeTheTest: http://goo.gl/rIl3x
RT @Drudge_Report: 'Christmas Village' in Philly renamed 'Holiday Village'... http://drudge.tw/g9WSW7
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: JW Marriott looking to hire 700 for Indianapolis hotel http://bit.ly/gMHRVy
RT @CSMlibrary: Apple and smoked mozzarella mini-calzones - CSM Stir It Up! Cooking blog: http://bit.ly/e2XYi5 #food #recipes #cooking
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: Ex-officer admits false drugs report at Indiana jail: http://bit.ly/fvRuRq
RT @CSMlibrary: 'There outghta be a law' movement: turning populist anger into real-world legislation in California http://bit.ly/dOkZ08
Monday, November 29, 2010
RT @csmonitor: 'There oughta be a law' movement lets fed-up citizens write their own laws http://su.pr/1FZRt7
RT @CSMlibrary: Her guiding principle in her work w/high-risk teens:never,ever give up. CSM PERSON MAKING A DIFFERENCE http://bit.ly/f0CYSo
RT @foxnation: NBC News Anchor Calls Black Republican Allen West 'Bigoted, Ignorant' http://bit.ly/gnK8Nm
RT @foxnews: BREAKING: Armed student reportedly holding high school classroom hostage in Wisconsin http://fxn.ws/eAkeih
RT @CSMlibrary: Check out the NewsLibrarians daily, created from my twitter list.It might be the ultimate read 4 today http://bit.ly/hRna5S
RT @nbcchuck: Thanksgiving leftovers, Black Friday deals &familiar faces...tonight's ep will be #Chuck-tastic! Preview: http://bit.ly/gOHlN7
RT @Drudge_Report: Staggering Picasso trove turns up in France; 271 previously unknown works... http://drudge.tw/fVZFFg
RT @Drudge_Report: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed planting chips in Gitmo prisoners upon release... http://drudge.tw/dRGYNA
RT @PaulPoteet: RT @petpalstv: RT @VPI: GoodStuffFromAPlasticSurgeon:10ReasonsWhyYouShouldGetADogInstead of a Facelift http://huff.to/eV2Alf
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
RT @Drudge_Report: Debt commission co-chair Alan Simpson calls seniors 'greediest generation'... http://drudge.tw/i9E70F
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
RT @WTHRcom: Retired teacher, 97, continues giving back through choir: Elisabeth Good, 97, still has valuable le... http://bit.ly/f5qlti
RT @CSMlibrary: EachWeekTheCSMprofiles1of the millions of individuals whoRnt famous, butRmaking a difference: http://bit.ly/af1TZ7 #goodnews
RT @Drudge_Report: Man arrested after calling cops to complain about prostitute's performance... http://drudge.tw/gezpBk
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
RT @redbox: TheHairClub4Expendables! CanU identify the bald action-hero heads from Stallone's new flick?Take the quiz: http://bit.ly/gqqkVK
RT @csmonitor: Photo: > Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. - John F. Kennedy http://tumblr.com/xayrior8z
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: 911 getting 21st century update -- will now let you TXT messages. SRSLY? LOL http://fxn.ws/g9gNO4
RT @Drudge_Report: BIG SIS: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro... http://drudge.tw/dFBMKB
RT @CSMWorldDesk: Details about Kate and William's #royalwedding are gradually getting decided. What we know so far: http://bit.ly/dTS9pa
RT @csmonitor: Photo: The John F. Kennedy assassination: 4 unanswered questions Photo provided by World History. http://tumblr.com/xayrgms8e
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: Bill inCongress cud giveDeptOfHomelandSecurity power overApple,Google,Microsoft,Cisco,AT&T, etc! http://fxn ...
RT @oreillyfactor: Video: The "My Ding-a-ling" sing-along to TSA screenings. Watch: http://goo.gl/nFTXS
Monday, November 22, 2010
RT @GarySinise: It's Military Monday. Help Operation Gratitude send care packages to our troops. http://fb.me/Ll4klO9Z
Friday, November 19, 2010
RT @Drudge_Report: Woman Enters Hospital For Minor Gynecological Procedure -- Leaves As Double Leg Amputee... http://drudge.tw/bMt55j
RT @fredthompson: Here's a story about how the Israelis do airport security. We should take a lesson from them: http://bit.ly/caYIA0 #ftrs
Drudge_Report: Asylum seekers on Christmas Island sew lips shut in hunger strike... http://drudge.tw/bborIN
Thursday, November 18, 2010
RT @ZacharyLevi: My dressing room @ @jimmyfallon has a wall covered in Atari games.We might b soul mates.Carry on. http://yfrog.com/6e5cicj
E! News:
Donald Trump says he's considering running as Republican candidate for president; will decide by June http://4in.fo/Q1wrPA
Donald Trump says he's considering running as Republican candidate for president; will decide by June http://4in.fo/Q1wrPA
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
FWD: nytimes: A timeless #photo of a lone Eleanor Roosevelt at La Gaurdia Airport http://nyti.ms/agFs4t
RT @CSMWorldDesk: Ireland insists that it does not need EU bailout & that govt it"fully funded,"but EU contines 2 push. http://bit.ly/boWrz2
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: Tab 4 police White Castles doesn't slide through: This is 1 expense that didn't slide through http://bit.ly/cbjkMM
RT @foxnews: In April,15% of worldsWeb traffic redirected2China servers,leaving sites vulnerable2surveillance -or worse http://fxn.ws/c9LXV2
Monday, November 15, 2010
RT @foxnews: RT @oreillyfactor: The number of Federal workers making $150K soars. Details: http://goo.gl/2hXSr
RT @foxnation: Napolitano Confronts Huffington: 'How Can Anyone Take You Seriously?' http://bit.ly/c8JKT5
RT @CSMlibrary: SheUsesPaintBrushes&Volunteers2CleanUpGraffiti&BuildCommunities.CSM PERSON MAKING A DIFFERENCE http://bit.ly/9PWwn1#goodnews
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
RT @thedailybeast: Postal Service losses double in 2010...in the red $8.5 billion despite cutting 105,000 jobs http://thebea.st/bFS4tA
RT @rascalflatts: Y'all want to listen to our new album NOTHING LIKE THIS? Go to our facebook page and listen! http://on.fb.me/avTvdC
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: Hero pilot Sullenberger accepts Purdue honor: ThePilotWhoSafelyLandedAJetlinerCarrying155... http://bit.ly/a5hTSh
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: Homeless man finds diamond, returns to woman: AHomelessManConcedesThatWhenAWomanWalkedInto... http://bit.ly/a7IpHn
Thursday, November 11, 2010
RT @fredthompson: In honor of Veterans Day, here's an underreported story about people standing up 4 our military: http://bit.ly/c9FLIL
RT @JessicaSimpson: Iwant 2share w/u the newsingle from myChristmas record.Hope it puts u inthe holiday spirit.hohoho www.jessicasimpson.com
RT @thedailybeast: Dick van Dyke Saved by Porpoises...pushed star 2 shore after drifting on surfboard http://thebea.st/c75jDS @guardiannews
RT @thedailybeast: AmazonRemovesPedophileBook...AfterInternetUproar&Initial"NoCensorship"Defense http://thebea.st/apZkGW via @abcnews
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
RT @GarySinise: From the the Groundbreaking for American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial today in Washington, D.C. http://fb.me/NnivcLEG
RT @ZacharyLevi: Walking back to my trailer, I came across the loneliest Ugg in the world. http://yfrog.com/28ahqyj
RT @thedailybeast: Most commented on Facebook: Fed Salaries Boom Under Obama http://thebea.st/a4YDVp
RT @E! News
George W. Bush accepts Kanye West's apology after rapper admits he was wrong to call president a racist
George W. Bush accepts Kanye West's apology after rapper admits he was wrong to call president a racist
RT @CSMWorldDesk: DailyTerror-SecurityUpdate:AnotherSlewOfAttacksTargetingIraqiChristiansPromptsChurchLeader2UrgeFlight http://bit.ly/cvIBFg
RT @CSMlibrary: Great article on the need to archive all the journalism & data being generated for the future:... http://fb.me/xcSQWIxg
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
RT @Drudge_Report: Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan 'for blasphemy'... http://drudge.tw/avcNoE
RT @peoplemag: Dakota Fanning crowned homecoming queen at her high school! (Yes, she actually goes to H.S.!) http://ow.ly/3707t
RT @thedailybeast: MysteriousMissileFliesOffCalif.TrailVisibleFromLA,Navy/PentagonNotSureWhoFired http://thebea.st/9V5VEJ via @msnbc
RT @foxnation: Michelle Obama Handshake Touches Off Firestorm http://bit.ly/coOIuB // I gotta say, the Obama's handlers don't handle 2 well
RT @GarySinise: HeadingToDCForGroundbreakingOnDisabledVetMemorialAfterShootingToday.StillRaisingMoney to finish it. Support at www.AVDLM.org
RT @thedailybeast: Most popular on #cheatsheet: Indonesian Muslims protest Obama's visit. Read it at: http://thebea.st/aPDhCh
Monday, November 8, 2010
RT @BlueBloods_CBS: Don't miss #BlueBloods' Tom Selleck on The #LateLateShow w/ @CraigyFerg tonight @ 12:35/11:35c,CBS! http://bit.ly/9MtXtP
RT @fredthompson: Here'sObamaOn60Minutes:"Sure,ObamacareStinks,ButOnlyBecauseIt'sFull of Republican ideas": http://bit.ly/c2o8hJ #ftrs #tcot
RT @SarahPalinUSA: Hmm...MayBringCookie2MyPA SchoolSpeechTmrwToMakeAPt"PA MullsBanOnCake/Cookies/Candy@SchoolParties.. http://bit.ly/dvoI6d"
FWD: rascalflatts: RT @FollowCMT POSTED: @RascalFlattsTalkAboutPickingSongsOutForTheirNewAlbum,Nothing Like This. Watch: http://ow.ly/36o6M
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @NewsHour: ThereHaveBeen19UnsolvedMurdersOfJournalistsIn Russia since 2000, accrding to @Pressfreedom. http://ow.ly/36pJE
RT @CSMlibrary: In Pictures: ROYAL FAMILIES - Europe's last Monarchies - CSM http://bit.ly/c4Lz5D #Europe #royalty
RT @NiaVardalos: Thank you! RT @TheTalk_CBS: @AdoptUsKids @natadoptionday! 4 more info go to www.thetalk.com. #FosterChildren #Adoption
RT @NKOTB: Earn points & redeem 4 NKOTB stuff!Access 2 presale tix!Sign up & become a BlockNation member http://nkotb.com. Tour dates posted
RT @foxnation: Obama Bows to Indian Parliament, Acknowledges Decline of U.S. Dominance http://bit.ly/b0imqB
RT @oreillyfactor: O'QuizIsUp:WhichOrganizationThatPromotedObamacareIsNowWarningItsEmployeesOfHigherHealthInsurance... http://fb.me/JxIePkqB
RT @Drudge_Report: Nutrition professor eats only Twinkies, Oreos, Doritos - and loses 27 lbs! http://drudge.tw/d8tvKv
RT @foxnewspolitics: 7-Eleven Attempts to bring Bipartisanship to D.C. with Purple Slurpees http://fxn.ws/cU6qDD
RT @nbcchuck: NoNew #Chuck 2night,ButWe'llBTuning-in2 @NBCTheEvent & @NBCChase...ThatIs,AfterRe-watchingLast week's ep: http://bit.ly/bnu9HJ
RT @thedailybeast: RockMeltLaunchesInBeta,NewInternetBrowserIsAnIntriguingCompetitor2Firefox&Chrome http://thebea.st/99CXIY @davidkirkpatric
RT @thedailybeast: Obama's Awkward Indonesia Trip Won't Be Seen as the Heroic Return of a Prodigal Son http://thebea.st/cwGLDd
RT @foxnewspolitics: Obama: India Relations "Indispensible, Pushes for placement at U.N. http://fxn.ws/bgENcp
RT @CSMlibrary: RussianJournalistWhoCoveredYouthPoliticalMovements,Protests&PoliticsSeverelyBeatenInMoscow-NYT http://nyti.ms/ctCGz8 #Russia
RT @thedailybeast: AfghanWivesChooseBurnAsEscape.LightThemselvesOnFireInFaceOfDomesticAbuse http://thebea.st/9lxxHR #cheatsheetvia @nytimes
RT @csmonitor: Euthanized cows and caves full of cheese: the government policies behind 'Got Milk?' http://su.pr/1MU0dA
RT @CSMlibrary: The150thAnniv.OfTheCivilWar:DoesItHaveOtherThingsToSayIn2010About rise of new political forces & race? http://bit.ly/ab2e1p
RT @CSMlibrary: Pres. Geo. W. Bush memoir, 'Decision Points,' hits stores Tuesday. Admits mistakes, praises Obama. CSM http://bit.ly/dj3ith
Sunday, November 7, 2010
RT @thedailybeast: InObama's1stInterviewSinceElections,HeTells @60minutes ThatItWasA"ReferendumOnTheEconomy,"NotHim. http://thebea.st/clkpLk
RT @bretmichaels: VH1 PresentsTheLifeAsIKnowItVegasGetawaySweepstakes! EnterToWinATripToLas Vegas &MeetBretMichaels! http://fb.me/zRL12XjK
RT @bretmichaels: Vote for Life As I Know It on the Reality TV Awards
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: Purdue2 ToastHero PilotSullenberger Nov.12:PurdueUniversity IsPreparing 2 toast alumnus Ch... http://bit.ly/a4be6S
RT @thedailybeast: 5SomaliPiratesWillBDefendantsInAmerica's1stPiracyTrial in more than 100 years http://thebea.st/c0JpJ2 #cheatsheet via @AP
RT @GarySinise: A little Chicken Fried from band show on October 29th.
go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMbja3K38dg&feature=youtu.be&a
go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMbja3K38dg&feature=youtu.be&a
RT @Drudge_Report: 'Not since the Pharaohs or the Roman Emperors has a head of state traveled in such pomp'... http://drudge.tw/9mNGkW
Saturday, November 6, 2010
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: NewFoodStampsDrivePost-MidnightSalesSpikes: InASignOfTheEconomicTimes,SupermarketsAre... http://bit.ly/ax6572
RT @nytimes: The Neediest Cases: At 102, Outliving Friends, Family and Her Savings http://nyti.ms/cxA5TM
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: IndianaResidentsReminded it's time2'fall back': State officialsRreminding Indiana resident... http://bit.ly/9sn64G
RT @bretmichaels: Vote for Bret Michaels "Riding Against The Wind" on the Vh1 Top 20 Video Countdown! http://fb.me/N6MeYeBx
RT @NKOTB: RT: DoYouHaveABurningQuestion4@NKOTB or @BackstreetBoys? It's YourLuckyDay... http://on.fb.me/AskNKOTBSB We have a few questions!
RT @WTHRcom: On WTHR.com: IndianaStateToPutFolkloreArchivesOn Internet: FolkloreEnthusiastsAroundTheWorld will be a... http://bit.ly/cvD3nF
RT @thedailybeast: .@usnews stops print edition, goes digital http://thebea.st/bnOwE7 #Cheatsheet via @ap
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
RT @Drudge_Report: WH denies India trip to cost $200M a day; won't reveal price tag... http://drudge.tw/b89eeM
RT @Drudge_Report: Elderly couple wins $11 million lottery - then gives it all away! http://drudge.tw/aI2L5M
RT @thedailybeast: World's Oldest Woman, 114, Dies...lived in hospital since 1980, devoted 2 #God and her cat http://thebea.st/8Z2Hj2 @ap
T @fredthompson: ToTheOldLineGOPWhoSayTheTeaPartyCostThemTheSenate - You'reForgettingWhatThey DID GetYou: http://bit.ly/bnWrhw #ftrs #tcot
RT @bretmichaels: VH1PresentsTheLifeAsIKnowItVegasGetawaySweepstakes!Enter2WinATrip2LasVegas&MeetBretMichaels! http://fb.me/zRL12XjK
RT @CSMWorldDesk: US authorities discover drug-smuggling tunnel linking San Diego & Tijuana seize 25 tons of marijuana. http://bit.ly/bqgRs8
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
RT @thedailybeast: Deceased Dem Wins CA State Senate...cancer victim died 2 weeks b4 election, won 58% of vote http://thebea.st/bgHCrj @nydn
RT @jeweljk: I'mSupporting @StJude ChildrensResearchHospitalThisHolidaySeason&IneedUrHelp!HelpMeHelpTheKidsByVisiting www.tg.stjude.org
YES! RT @redbox: Lots of people thought Toy Story 3 was the best of the trilogy! Do you agree? @lockepeterseim does! http://bit.ly/aZHUap
T @thedailybeast: WhiteHouseHints@HealthCareVeto..."WillNotAcceptAttempts2RepealOrWeaken" http://thebea.st/a3JGKA #cheatsheet via @tpmmedia
RT @michaelbuble: American Music Awards: Vote Michael For Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist http://bit.ly/aec4dv
RT @CSMlibrary: France&BritainInkDefenseTreaty2ShareMil.ResourcesIncl.NuclearSecrets'Rapid-Reaction'Force. CSM in Paris http://bit.ly/b7TDG7
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
RT @thedailybeast: Bush: Kanye Criticism Was 'Lowest Point'..."one of the most disgusting moments of my pres." http://thebea.st/cLlwV9
RT @jeweljk: Best grocery shopping outfit ever- way to guy, guy in red spandex unitard! http://twitpic.com/33dah9
RT @foxnation: First Tea Party win of the night: Fox News predicts Rand Paul (R) wins in KY. Tea party Zone: http://soc.li/UI52FUX
RT @CBSTweet: Go behind the scenes for John Larroquette's special 3-episode arc on #CSINY - starting Friday at 9! http://bit.ly/aejRgq
RT @michaelbuble: MichaelBuble'sInterviewIsAiringOnAccessHollywood2night!PleaseTuneIn!
Where2Watch http://www.accesshollywood.com/about-live
Where2Watch http://www.accesshollywood.com/about-live
RT @rascalflatts: RT @CntryMusicCares: Nashville Lifestyles Honor @RascalFlatts with "Heroes" Cover http://tinyurl.com/37vmgyl
RT @fxnopinion: WhyVote?BecauseInAmericaThatIsThe WayWe change things Peter Roff tells Fox News Opinion http://fxn.ws/aXuUFt #govote #ivoted
RT @foxnation: Coats (R) looking strong according to exit polls in Indiana. Tea party Zone: http://soc.li/UI52FUX
RT @WTHRcom: Henry County candidate discovers opponent at crash scene: Two candidates running for Henry County Cou... http://bit.ly/92SwSO
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @wickedlibrarian: Go to : http://www.vote411.org/ to familiarize yourself with your ballot before voting.
RT @jeweljk: Excited 2 sing w @ColbieCaillat in my old home town San Diego on the 5th- go to www.padres.com/concerts 4 tix and details!
RT @CSMlibrary: Election Day: Why is it on a Tuesday? DC DECODER CSM http://bit.ly/cVdEny #politics #voting
Monday, November 1, 2010
RT @thedailybeast: ObamaWalksBack "Enemies" CommentSaysHeShouldHave called GOP "opponents" instead. Does it matter? http://thebea.st/ddokeK
RT @csmonitor: Space shuttle Discovery on its last mission: Where to watch the launch http://su.pr/4zZ6hH
RT @foxnews: RT @foxnewsvideo: What issues R important 2 moms as they vote tomorrow? http://bit.ly/cGIg8U #elections #2010youdecide #moms
RT @bretmichaels: BretMichaels' 'Stop DiabetesPublicServiceAnnncment
RT @CSMWorldDesk: TheAttackOn a BaghdadChurchCouldFuelIraqiChristianExodus. MoreThan 400,000 HaveLeft since war began. http://bit.ly/bYVGof
RT @csmonitor: Verizon iPhone is reportedly signed, sealed, and ready for 2011 delivery http://su.pr/2Bonh9
RT @csmonitor: Verizon iPhone is reportedly signed, sealed, and ready for 2011 delivery http://su.pr/2Bonh9
RT @nbcchuck: Big Mike (@MarkChrLawrence) WantsU2VOTE #Chuck 4TheCoverOf @TVGuide: http://bit.ly/94QeBm LastDayFans! http://bit.ly/aD80Iy
RT @GarySinise: SignedguitarOnSale2BenefitUSVeteransArtsPrgram http://fenderacoustic.net/fender-acoustic-guitar-signed-by-gary-sinise-2/8119
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