Friday, December 31, 2010

Just saw NKOTBSB on New Years Rockin Eve and they still ROCK! @DonnieWahlberg is AWESOME!
RT @oreillyfactor: Video: 100-car pileup, zero visibility. Watch:
RT @peoplemag: Need a New Year's outfit? What Not 2 Wear host Stacy London gives her tips 4 what flatters your body type:
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you better.
RT @TheBibleDay: I can do all things through him who strengthens me
RT @PastorTullian: We only start "doing better" as we increasingly focus on what Jesus has already done, not on what we must do.
RT @leegunter: HappyNewYearsEve!&HappyNewYears to everyone not named Eve!&why does this seem so familiar to me? #dejavu #recycledpuns #fb
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Today... AsTheNewYearBeginsRememberThatThisIsYourLife.TheOnlyOne.LetThePeopleInItBenefitByHowYouLiveIt- NotRunIt.
Rt @shervin: Tomorrow is 1111. #binarynewyearsFTW
I wish everyone 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of success, 365 days of health. Happy 2011:)
RT @csmonitor: Chocolate fondue recipe
RT @Paula_Deen: What are y'all cooking today? Here's some recipes your guests will love
RT @foxnation: Obama's Multimillion-Dollar Hawaiian Vacation
RT @PastorTullian: TheLawStimulatesGuiltWhichProducesSelf-SalvationProjects.TheGospelStimulatesConvictionWhichProducesPrayer.Big difference!
RT @leegunter: NEW YEARS RESOLUTION 2011: 12.0 megapixel with 5x optical zoom #newyearsresolution #camerapun #ithinkimfunny #fb
RT @NKOTB: Tune-in tonight, 1130p ET on ABC! New Years Rockin Eve! #nkotbsb
Marion, Indiana Don't Miss HGTV's "RV 2011 Special" Featuring Marion's Earthbound RV Saturday, January 1st - 4PM (3PM Central)!
RT @PastorTullian: "God does not wait for a change of heart on our part. He always makes the first move." Jerry Bridges
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @match_v8: The mediocre teacher tells.TheGood teacher explains.TheSuperior teacher demonstrates.TheGreat teacher inspires
Happy New Year's Eve! Have tons of fun! Get lots of yummy kisses! Toast some bubbly! And make sure u have a designated driver or take a cab!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

RT @oreillyfactor: Video:WelcomeHomeSoldier. A soldier hides in the back of a car&springs a heartwarming,tear-filled
RT @womensweardaily: Take a LookBack@1 OfFashion'sBiggestFetesEver:TheLaunch ofYvesSaintLaurent'sOpium fragrance in1978.
RT @moonfrye: Get the family together or play by yourself. Caution uDraw can be addicting! (Ad)
RT @WTHRcom: USGS link to today's #earthquake info
Spring/summer collections present two extremes :neutrals and whites and edgy neons.
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana earthquake strikes in rare location: It's an earthquake scientists describe as rare, unusua...
RT @megynkelly: A ManShoots A 23YearOldFatherDeadAfterTheYoungMan'sDogUrinates on his lawn...and the killer gets ... probation? Was it fair?
RT @nytimes: Well: Remedies | Herbal Ear Drops for Infections
RT @PastorTullian: ChildrenOftenGiveUpInTheirEffortsToObeyBecauseWe'veTrainedThemToFocusOnTheirFeatsForJesusMoreThanJesus'FeatsForThem.
RT @foxnation: Obama's Muslim Adviser Says Sharia Law Misunderstood
RT @CSMlibrary: If u were a state governor,& u'r@DisneyWorld when there's a major blizzard@home-what would U do? CSM
RT @PastorTullian: The tear wiping hand of God comes to us FREELY because the wrath bearing hand of God fell on Jesus FULLY. Scotty Smith
RT @PaulPoteet: Quake's magnitude now revised to 3.8:
RT @DailyKeller: ChristmasIsHistorical.TheManger,TheResurrection,TheStoryOfJesusIsNotJust A Story.It'sTrue.ItActuallyHappenedInHistory.
RT @DailyKeller: ...Look@whatJohn says aboutJesus:"We saw it.We heard it.Our own eyes,our own ears.We felt it,this eternal Life."I John1:1-4
RT @DailyKeller: Christmas-GodHasBecomeHuman.TheAbsoluteHasBecomeParticular.TheIdealHasBecomeReal.TheDivineHasTakenUp A HumanNature.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2dayDon't expect...Accept!Don't criticize...Empathize.Don't hate...Celebrate!Ylive in the negative?Give in2the positive!
RT @PaulPoteet: Just added some historical Indiana earthquake info to, along with a map of the epicenter.
36 Days of Advice: #10. Take one day at a time.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RT @PaulPoteet: Don't look at this this just before you go to bed.
RT @EWDaltonRoss: RT @TVInsiders: There's something liberating about not having anyTVshows2watch this week.Depressing2B sure,but liberating2
RT @nytimes: 10 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Technology
RT @bretmichaels: Give Bret the holiday gift of approval by voting him as your favorite "Celebrity Apprentice"!
RT @shervin: RT @ihatequotes: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. -B.O'Driscoll
RT @brad_s_johnson: "Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant Inns but we should never mistake them for home" C.S. Lewis
RT @bretmichaels: Check outBretMichaels inPEOPLE'sMostIntriguingNewsmakers issue availableNOWon newsstands everywhere!
RT @CSMlibrary: School bans Facebook for a week: 5 lessons learned. CSM #education
RT @PastorTullian: "U ought 2 live ur life w/ such gospel-centered freedom & joy that uptight Christians will doubt ur salvation"Steve Brown
RT @PastorTullian: Jesus+Nothing=Everything is the equation that I took away from a year of great trial & turmoil. READ:
RT @CSMlibrary: Looking back@2010-&the events that inspired,amazed or just brought a smile. 2010'sMOSTTRIUMPHANTSTORIES
RT @brad_s_johnson: In a life w/ God, each day holds the seed of a brand new beginning. Old things R gone. New things have come. Embrace it.
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus or occasionally pee on yourself... You hang in there Sunshine, you're special!
Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Life is short: Break the rules! Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love unconditionally. Laugh uncontrollably. And always find a reason to smile!
RT @shedding_mf: RT @AboutDecorating: Few things bring me as much comfort as watching Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows.
36 Days of Advice: #9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes & difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all togetber.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

RT @nytimes: Newark Mayor @CoryBooker personally responding via Twitter to snowed-in residents
RT @shervin: RT @sumaya: U're23xmore likely2Binvolved in an accident when texting&driving.Watch thisAT&Tdocumentary(& share it) http:/ ...
RT @JustinBuzzard: @PastorTullian God doesn't need our good works, but our neighbor does. // Bingo! The series starts on Jan. 30, by the way
RT @Ali_Sweeney: Ok - <3 the polish 2 start with.Doesn't feel any different... Now, we'll see how long it lasts!
RT @Angie_Harmon: R&I will come back in the summer... Mid july, I think.
LeftoverHamIdea: I BakedCannedBiscuits,SplitThem&DrizzledEach1/2W/HoneyMustard,ToppedW/HamSlices,SprinkledW/ShreddedCheese,&BakedUntilMelty!
RT @foxnews: RT @shibanijoshi: Lock up ur cars on NewYear'sDay! USA2days says its the highest day4car thefts all year.
RT @WTHRcom: Emergency homeless shelter set up in Fort Wayne: Advocates for the homeless have set up an emergenc...
RT @TheBibleDay: RT @sonjadlf: "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him to find her." -Max Lucado
RT @shervin: RT @tinybuddha: "A beautiful thing is never perfect." ~Proverb
RT @PastorTullian: "God'sUnmeritedFavorIsNeverConditionedOnOurPerformanceButAlwaysOnTheUnchangingMeritOfOurLordJesusChrist."JerryBridges
RT @TheBibleDay: Without forgiveness, there's no future.
RT @PastorTullian: MyStruggleIsn'tBelievingThatMyGoodBehaviorCanEARN God'sFavor;MyStruggleIsBelievingThatMyGoodBehaviorCanKEEP God'sFavor.
RT @Drudge_Report: MATTHEWS: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?
RT @Drudge_Report: Stuffed! The 30,000-calorie Christmas feast eaten by the world's fattest mom...
RT @PastorTullian: Jesus came to fix what is broken, to bring light in the darkness, beauty out of ashes. He came to make all things new.
RT @csmonitor: 5 kids making a difference 2 change the world - We highlight 5 kids & teens who are making a...
RT @leannrimes: RT @brad_s_johnson: I can face bad in the world around me, when I let God do His good work within me.
36 Days of Advice: #8. Allow extra time to do things and to get places.

Monday, December 27, 2010

RT @TheBibleDay: Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
RT @brad_s_johnson: "ByGosh I WishThey'dBeMoreKindToEachOther!"-WalterBreunig114.World'sOldestMan,GreatFalls,Montana--HisAdviceToThePlanet
RT @MaxLucado: Did u hear the joke about the airplane? Never mind, it's over your head.
RT @PastorTullian: The gospel grants Christians one strength over non-Christians: the strength to admit they're weak.
RT @PastorTullian: Since aChristian's value&identity is anchored inChrist&isNOTanchored in being right,the gospel frees us2admit we're wrong
RT @fredthompson: Napolitano:DNI Clapper didn't "need2know" about London terror arrests.Right.The important thing is that Diane Sawyer knew
RT @CSMlibrary: "When helping handsRsmall:5 kids&teens who are making a difference through volunteering. CSM #goodnews
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @brainpicker: Christmas across the globe, in 35 breathtaking, heart-warming photos
RT @CSMlibrary: "The Great Walk of China" #China by foot, as tourists seldom see via @MarjorieKehe #books #China
RT @shervin: RT @rabois: Shock:States w/no income tax&light regulations have growing economies while the rest of US suffers: http://bit ...
My step daughter is DYING for Chuck to come back on. She says she's having withdrawls 'cause she's a "Chuckaholic".
RT @MaxLucado: Gradually our big God changes us. Gratefully we lust less, love more,lash out less, look heavenward more.
RT @PastorTullian: Coming Soon: Jesus + Nothing = Everything. READ:
36 Days of Advice: #7 Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)
RT @PastorTullian: "The gospel is notJUSTabout God&me r evenGod&the people I live&work with.The gospel is aboutGod&the world." Jerry Bridges
RT @CSMlibrary: TheCSMasked poets,physicists,financiers,&thinkers4their ideas4a better world in 2011. Here's the list:
RT @DailyKeller: Article byTim Keller on humility.Jesus is the reason2stop concentrating on ourselves. #Christmas #joy

Sunday, December 26, 2010

RT @PastorTullian: TheGospelTeachesMeEverydayThatBeing a SlaveToChristIsTheEssenceOfFreedom,WhileBeingFreeToMyselfIsTheEssenceOfSlavery.
RT @PastorTullian: Isn'tItSadThatWhileGod'sTreatmentOfUsDependsOnChrist'sPerformance,OurTreatmentOfOthersDependsOnTheirPerformance?
RT @PastorTullian: Isn'tItSadThatWhileGod'sTreatmentOfUsDependsOnChrist'sPerformance,OurTreatmentOfOthersDependsOnTheirPerformance?
RT @leannrimes: RT @larryczerwonka: AHappyPersonIsNot a PersonIn a CertainSetOfCircumstances,ButRather a PersonWith a CertainSetOfAttitude.
RT @leannrimes: RT @larryczerwonka: AHappyPersonIsNot a PersonIn a CertainSetOfCircumstances,ButRather a PersonWith a CertainSetOfAttitude.
RT @PaulPoteet: Bob Barker's rocking some crazy orange make up on that State Farm Insurance commercial.
FWD: Drudge_Report: ICE AGE: Columbia, S.C., haS first Christmas snow since weather records were first kept in 1887
RT @brad_s_johnson: RT @MaxLucado: Greed is not defined by what something costs, but by what it costs you...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Really? How hard is it2 0put the toilet paper roll on so the paper goes OVER!This is not a hard thing&Yet they guilt me into not complaining
RT @DailyKeller: Christmas is telling you that you could never get to heaven on your own. God had to come to you.
RT @PastorTullian: 4those in Christ, there will1day be no more sickness,no more death,no more division,no more tension.
Big, big, big sigh... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RT @brad_s_johnson: Christmas proves God has a plan for the planet...and He has a plan for you! Believe!
Merry Christmas! May you have a blessed, peaceful & meaningful day! And may you know that Jesus came to earth as a baby to bring you grace.

Friday, December 24, 2010

RT @PastorTullian: Christmas is a great reminder that while our sin reaches far, God's grace reaches farther.
RT @PastorTullian: YourGraspOfTheGospelIsSeenMostColorfully,NotInTheWayYouTreatThoseWhoLoveYou,ButInTheWayYouTreatThoseWhoHateYou.
RT @PaulPoteet: Always Alerting! Always Tracking! Links for tracking Santa with your kids on a pc, smart phone or Twitter
RT @brad_s_johnson: The door of history swings on the hinge of Bethlehem's stable
RT @PastorTullian: "IfThereIsNoJoy&Freedom,ItIsNot a Church.ItIsSimply a CrowdOfMelancholyPeopleBaskingInReligiousNeurosis." Steve Brown
RT @CSMlibrary: EveryWeek,CSMprofilesAnIndividualThatDecided2Make a PositiveChangeInTheWorld.PERSON MAKING A DIFFERENCE
RT @PastorTullian: "It's hard to stand in the center of God's acceptance and love without getting it all over you." Steve Brown
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-InTheMiddleOf TheChaos&AmidstAllTheMadness...FindCalmInTheEyeOfTheStorm.Take a Breath.BeGrateful.LifeIs a Gift.
RT @leegunter: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." ~John 1:5 #Christmas #ESV #Bible #fb

Thursday, December 23, 2010

RT @CSMlibrary: Who doesn't <3 snowmen?Or cupcakes? A lesson learned when our cooking blog editor tried2combine the2
RT @peoplemag: Get holiday tunes from Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts & more - FREE!
RT @PastorTullian: The gospel empowers u&frees u2cast away the sins that have been committed against u"as far as the east is from the west"
RT @leannrimes: RT @jenntilly: Children will not remember u 4 the material things u provided but 4 the feeling that u cherished them!R.Evans
36 Days of Advice: #6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

RT @PastorTullian: WhateverOffenseYou'veReceivedIsInfinitelySmallerThanTheOffenseGodHasReceivedFromYou.TheGospelFreesYouToForgiveQuickly.
RT @foxnewspolitics: Republicans Aim to Block FCC's New Internet Rules Before They Go Into Effect
RT @JasonRitter: RT @mariannapalka: My friendJulian showed me a trick2open my car last night, he said he learned it from aScottishLoch-maker
RT @nytimes: Looking for the perfect holiday recipe? We've gathered our favorites for you here.: via @nytimesdining
RT @csmonitor: What's new with Titan? Five intriguing findings about Saturn's moon
RT @fxnopinion: RT @DanaPerino: Just saw bumper sticker on a contractor's pick-up -"don't spread my wealth,spread my work ethic!"Hear hear!
RT @fxnopinion: RT @DanaPerino: Just saw bumper sticker on a contractor's pick-up -"don't spread my wealth,spread my work ethic!"Hear hear!
RT @fredthompson: Napolitano: DHS protects US "24/7, 364 days a year". Obama clarifies: the protection does include all 57 states. #ftrs
RT @Drudge_Report: Zsa Zsa Gabor's Husband Accidentally Glues Eye Shut...
RT @PastorTullian: We know we've failed to grasp our own need of the gospel when the sin of others bothers us more than our own sin.
RT @Drudge_Report: REPORT: Michelle's early departure cost extra $63,000...
RT @Drudge_Report: Norwegian newspaper claims to have all 251,287 leaked cables...
RT @CSMlibrary: Social Security checks no longer in mail after May 1-going paperless (except for those 90&older). AP
RT @nytimes: The Top Time-Wasting Apps from @nytimestech
RT @CSMlibrary: He seesInternetAccess as a basic humanRight,has biz plan2use bankrupt satellite company2provide it-free
RT @CSMlibrary: Nebraska county 30-year employee fired for accruing too much vacation time - Inc. magazine
RT @fredthompson: FCC votes itself power2regulate internet.Ya know,usually a power grab this blatant requires pulling a sword out of a stone
RT @brad_s_johnson: No one is too dirty, too far gone, too clean, too rich or too poor. Jesus will enter any heart where He is welcomed.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: CBS is moving BlueBloods2Wednesdays44 weeks starting inJanuary... Think its a coincidence they moved it 2 HUMP Day?
RT @CSMlibrary: A force behind the dramatically-lower teen birth rate: MTV's tough reality show '16 & Pregnant.' CSM
RT @Miranda_Lambert: I have been to the grocery store everyday this week. Jeez. Make a list.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-Know urStrengths&UseThem2Strengthen UrWeaknesses.Accepting that we have weaknessesIs a StrengthItself-soStayStrong!
RT @PastorTullian: 2know that u know God&God knows u is life's greatest source of peace,joy,&strength 4 the journey:
RT @BrentSpiner: Another actor injured in "SpiderMan" musical. They won't be happy till everyone on stage and in the audience is dead.
RT @Drudge_Report: Obama orders breastfeeding policy for federal workplace...
RT @nytimes: Abbey Road Crosswalk Made Famous By the Beatles Becomes Protected Landmark (via @artsbeat)
RT @fxnopinion: Matt Kibbe from FreedomWorks lays it all out: Here are 5 Reasons Why We CAN Repeal Obamacare In 2011:
36 Days of Advice: #5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
More for religous freaks... listen to Hangin by A Monent by Lifehouse it's MY God
It's a quarter after after one (almost)
I just need u now
I'd bet 90% don't want or hunger God like that
Every "Religious"person I know needs to listen to Shine by Collective Soul. period.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

...when a good woman knows an important thing needs to be done, she won't let death prevent her from doing it. - Relentless by Dean Koontz
RT @JasonRitter: The ghost of a man is constantly weaving cloth right above my head. It's hard 2 concentrate w/that looming over me all day.
RT @JasonRitter: I know it's slate, but you rock. I marble @ your achievements. Don't let any1 take you 4 granite. U grow boulder every day.
RT @TheBibleDay: Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.
...laughter is our armor and our sword. - Relentless by Dean Koontz
...guilt requires fault and... fault requires intention. - Relentless by Dean Koontz
RT @Drudge_Report: One-sixth of House skips final lame-duck votes...
That faith is the antidote to despair and that laughter is the music of faith. (6/6) - Relentless by DeanKoontz
That we must seize life because we never know how much of it remains for us,... (5/6) - Relentless by DeanKoontz
Among other things, my past had taught me that the very fact of my existence is a cause for amazement&wonder,...(4/6)-Relentless,DeanKoontz
AndLiveByAnIdeologyThatRefutesReality.AtDecisionPointsInLife,A SanePersonIsGuidedByTheLessonsOfHisPast.(3/6)-Relentless,DeanKoontz
But in the sense that we rely on our experiences as the primary source of our wisdom, unless we are delusional...(2/6)-Relentless,DeanKoontz
Each of us is the sum of his experiences, not in the Freudian sense that we are victims of them... (1/6) - Relentless by Dean Koontz
RT @DailyKeller: Christmas means Jesus came down and got involved in suffering. He hears your cries.
Rain washes the world clean, and the world needs cleansing. - Relentless by Dean Koontz
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @HuffPostTech: Wow-ZeroWomenOnTheBoardsOfTwitter,Facebook,Zynga,Groupon&Foursquare via @karaswisher
RT @Drudge_Report: DEBT: $13,868,461,000,000
RT @JasonRitter: ThatScamArtistCameIntoOurLittleTown,GotUs addicted2his lollipops, took all our money&left! We all really feel like suckers.
RT @csmonitor: HolidayRecipe:ChristmasBiscotti-A holiday baking favorite from a non-baking journalist -
RT @fredthompson: FCC head: must regulate internet 2 "protect consumers". I'm sure govt will do 4 the internet what TSA did 4 airline travel
RT @fredthompson: NPR'sTotenberg apologizes 4 saying "Christmas". Maybe afraid she'd offend Muslims & end up working4Fox like Juan Williams
RT @foxnews: #BreakingNews: 7.4-magnitude #earthquake strikes Japan's Bonin Islands, tsunami warning issued
RT @foxnews: #BreakingNews: FCCvotes3-2to approve plan2regulate Internet,allows service providers to charge customers based on bandwidth use
RT @csmonitor: 'Stay in your car,' plan ahead, and other tips for surviving a nuclear blast
RT @NiaVardalos: No matter how much I say,press only prints stuff@pounds. NewYear's resolution: not answering1more question about my weight.
RT @WTHRcom: 2010 census says US population at 308.7 million: The Census Bureau says the U.S. population is 308....
RT @PaulPoteet: Cleared driveway to get to takeout FA RA RA RA RA
RT @csmonitor: Video: Video above captures last night's eclipse perfectly. Thanks to William Castleman for
Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations is playing on my Pandora right now & it always makes me think of my friend Dallas... Luv ya, Dallie
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2dayIts never2late2start anew!2 change direction!2 stop making excuses&start making choices!Its ur life...Make it great!
RT @womensweardaily: KateMiddletonWoreTemperleyLondonCocktailDressOnSaturdayNight4 Her1stAppearanceSinceHerEngagement:
36 Days Of Advice: #4. Say NO to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @Somers_Library: Dr. Seuss published his first book on this day in 1937
RT @leannrimes: RT @LadeeTruckr: @leannrimes to send Thank You cards to our U.S. Troops. please retweet.
RT @Marion ,IndianaItisOfficial!Marion,IndianaWillBeTheHomeOf a BrandNew Kohl's.TheyWillBeBuildingOn the Meijer property. Reply to comment.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The disintegration of rational society started in the drift from hearth & family; the solution must be a drift back.-G.K. Chesterton
...WeCannotInventTruth,WhichSimplyIs.Truth,WhenWeRecognizeIt,AlwaysSurprisesUs,WhichIsWhyWeSoSeldomChoose2RecognizeIt.Relentless,Dean Koontz
God has a sense of humor, & b/c the world is wonderous, He expects us 2 find reasons 2 smile even on the darkest days-Relentless,Dean Koontz
RT @WrightWTHR: We've already had over 11 inches of snow in Indianapolis this month,and Winter begins officially Tuesday at 6:38pm.
RT @shervin: RT@timoreilly:"The human race has only 1 really effective weapon, & that is laughter." Mark Twain #quote via Lawrence Wilkinson
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Today... There is nothing life can throw at you that you can't handle! You can get through it. You will get through it! Believe in yourself.
RT @Drudge_Report: Author of pedophilia how-to book arrested...
RT @Drudge_Report: NPR's Totenberg apologizes for saying 'Christmas'...
RT @foxnewspolitics: The Food Safety Bill: A Point-By-Point Guide
RT @aplusk: #win a trip 2 the premiere of my new movie 'no strings attached' from @popchips

Sunday, December 19, 2010

RT @JasonRitter: RT @jjbauer15: @jasonritter vote for #theevent on the People's Choice Awards. Retweet
RT @shervin: The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. -Steven Wright
RT @shervin: RT @wiseleo: RT @acruzer: If you are going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill @shervin -this 1 was pretty accurate :)
RT @foxnation: Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA Screeners
RT @csmonitor: How parents keep the faith: The rock of belief is at home
RT @oreillyfactor: Ur tax dollars@work: PBS host blasts tea partiers&claimsChristians blow people up"every day." Watch:
RT @PastorTullian: This is our God, loving and reaching, scandalous mercy and mighty to save!
RT @shervin: RT @brainpicker: The Best American Essays 2010 ??absolutely wonderful anthology
This 1's 4Dallie... Thought of the day: Some people R like slinkys... Not good 4 much but they sure make U smile when pushed down the stairs

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wrapping presents by tbe Christmas tree lights! So Great! But, seriously, what the &+/$ is up with the %#*$/=+ ribbon eggs???????
RT @foxnation: 'The Factor's' Smartest Statements and Dumbest Things of 2010
RT @PastorTullian: TheOnlyPlace2find rest&rescue,freedom&fullness,is in whatGOD HAS DONE2make us clean,not whatWE CAN DO2make ourselvesClean
RT @shervin: RT @auren: You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness - (via @shervin)
RT @PaulPoteet: Win a$50iTunes gift card this wknd just4posting a pic.Learn how(&laugh at us) - listen to The P&T Show:
RT @JasonRitter: RT @ChadDarnell: Check out @simonhelberg's adorable wife Jocelyn 4new film w/ the awesome @jasonritter
@moonfrye: Question of the day. What do you think Scooby snacks were made of?// Some "funny" herbs mixed w/cheese and pb biscuits
RT @shervin: Daily Inspiration: As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more.
-Jules Renard
RT @oreillyfactor: Weekend Crossword. Print or Play Online:
RT @PaulPoteet: AttnChristmasShoppers! Win a$50iTunes gift card this wknd. Learn how by listening2The Paul & Tom Show:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Watchin The Wizard of Oz on TV... Remember watchin every year as a magical...but the monkeys were so scary!Glad2share w/my kids now
RT @Drudge_Report: Pelosi skips vote on tax bill, then shuns signing ceremony...
RT @Drudge_Report: Good Samaritans Face Fine After Rescuing Deer From Icy Water...
RT @Drudge_Report: FLASHBACK: ObamaPromised5Day,PublicReviewOfBillsBeforeSigning;SignsTaxBillWithinHoursOfHouseVote.
RT @IMKristenBell: bffs@Jewish memorial inBerlin...Serving as a reminder of what not 2 let happen again& 2 always (cont)
RT @Drudge_Report: Feds force bank to pull 'Merry Christmas' buttons...
RT @nytimes: Mark Twain, Riverboat Rambler
RT @CSMlibrary: 15cases of sex offenders finding work as teachers-&getting recommendations from officials2move on. GAO
RT @nytimes: Let It Dough! The Universe Created With Cookie Dough & Sprinkles, by @abstractcity
RT @Drudge_Report: $40,000 left in white envelope at food bank...
RT @Drudge_Report: Woman left at altar sues groom for $100,000 in damages...
RT @Drudge_Report: Secret Santa Drops Thousands in SALVATION ARMY Army Kettle!
RT @CBSTweet: - Cheese or pepperoni? Heidi Klum working at a pizza place?!! I GET THAT LOT airs 2Nite on CBS!
RT @brad_s_johnson: Rain cleanses the earth like tears cleanse the soul.Don'tBafraid of either.Ualways C things a little clearer afterwards.
36 Days of Advice: #3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
RT @bretmichaels: Bret Michaels makes PEOPLE's Most Intriguing Newsmakers issue available THIS FRIDAY!
RT @PastorTullian: Failure 2 grasp the gospel shows itself when we demand penance from those who have wronged us. Forgiveness is full & free
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Iam now following @Angie_Harmon &u shudB2! She is the best! Hopefully the Emmy's won't snub her2! Amazing talent&friend
RT @leannrimes: RT @WannaBeSC: Plz RT #SaveOklahomaChildren All we need is prayer, and vaccination from meningitis. It's an epidemic here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

RT @CSMWorldDesk: On 1 Afghanistan province, the Taliban are stepping in as a legitimate government where Kabul can't.
RT @PastorTullian: 1reason we give up in our efforts2obey is b/c we obsess more over our performance4Jesus than we do Jesus' performance4us.
RT @csmonitor: Melting Arctic ice heralds new polar hybrids: Pizzlies and more
RT @brad_s_johnson: He doesn't wear a red suit r have a white beard,butFatherGod delights whenHis children crawl inHis lap&ask4what we need
RT @PastorTullian: One reason we fail in OUR doing is because we fail to grasp at a deep, heart level what JESUS has already done.
RT @foxnation: WND: Obama Quietly Erasing Borders
RT @Drudge_Report: Court Rebuffs Obama on Warrantless Cellphone Tracking...
RT @JasonRitter: RT @neiltyson: Thought2disturb restful slumber-The exact letters that spell "eleven plus two" also spell "twelve plus one"
RT @Drudge_Report: Dems Attack Republican Legislator for 'Being a Christian'...
RT @brad_s_johnson: ModernDay heart-keepers,like theAncientDayBethlehem inn-keeper,struggle2find room4Jesus in the hustle&bustle ofChristmas
RT @Drudge_Report: Ancient Roman statue buried for centuries uncovered by powerful storm...
RT @Drudge_Report: PHOTOS: The day Niagara Falls ran dry!
RT @Drudge_Report: WIKILEAKS inspires sanitary pad ad...
RT @foxnation: Dick Morris: 'Obama's Either Stupid or a Socialist'
RT @DonnieWahlberg: NKOTBSB... Times Square... New Years Eve w Ryan Seacrest!!!!! It is gonna be fun! Get there!
RT @foxnation: Report: FDA Moving Ahead With Rationing
RT @nbcchuck: #Chuck has so many sides-Gamer,Spy,Boyfriend-can u even pick a favorite? Vote for the one you love most:
RT @HOUSEonFOX: Congrats2 #HOUSE's Hugh Laurie on receiving a @ScreenActors (SAG) nomination4OutstandingPerformanceBMaleActorInDramaSeries
RT @nbcsvu: Everyone give their congrats to Mariska on her @SAGawards nomination! #SVU
RT @CBSTweet: - PARIS HILTON working at a gas station?! She does on I GET THAT A LOT tomorrow night!
RT @nytimes: Blake Edwards, Prolific Comedy Director, Dies at 88
RT @nytimes: Fed to Release Rules on Debit Card Transactions
RT @oreillyfactor: Video: CNN analyst: American people are "the big problem." Watch:
RT @foxnation: Obama Leaves Briefing Room Again, Different Clinton This Time
RT @PastorTullian: Gospel is not GoodAdvice2men butGoodNews aboutChrist;not an invitationToDo,but a declaration of whatGodHasDone.JohnStott
RT @Drudge_Report: Study: Children As Young As 5 Now Consume Caffeine Daily...
RT @moonfrye: Random thought of the day... Why don't grown ups wear candy necklaces? They would be far more happy throughout the day.
RT @GarySinise: $1MillionDollars raised for DisabledAmericanVets w/ GoldenCorral'sMilitaryAppreciationMonday.
RT @JasonRitter: I wanted to transcribe every soprano's harmony for choir, but it was just too much treble.
RT @Drudge_Report: KERRY: 'Why Would We Have To Read Something?'
RT Indiana's texting and driving law could be expanded: A new proposed bill would create a statewide b...
RT @Drudge_Report: McConnell offers 1-page resolution in place of bill...
36 Days of Advice: # 2. Go to bed on time.
RT @Drudge_Report: Actress Bea Arthur was a truck-driving Marine, military records reveal...
RT @peoplemag: Kate Middleton lunches with the Queen
RT @fredthompson: Poll:13%approve of Congress.Reid/Pelosi glad to still be slightly more popular than root canals, TSApatdowns, & IRSauditS
RT @leannrimes: RT @ihatequotes: The biggest mistake u can make is 2 keep worrying about the 1s u've made.Get up, step forward, & be happy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

RT @Drudge_Report: Part of Versailles Palace to become luxury hotel...
RT @bretmichaels: Bret Michaels makes PEOPLE's Most Intriguing Newsmakers issue available THIS FRIDAY!
RT @Drudge_Report: IRS audits jump by 11 percent; wealthiest targeted...
RT @foxnation: Christian Mom Sentenced to Death for Blaspheming Muhammad
RT @WFMS: DownloadBradPaisley's new songThisIsCountryMusic for free by logging on to, the offer ends...
36 Days of Advice: #1. Pray
RT @csmonitor: Photo:Today isNationalMonkeyDay&we've gathered together a list of the top10monkeys.
RT @jeweljk: wow-these r..really...uncomfortable pictures-ha RT @jeweljk theseRway better thanThePeopleOfWalmartPhotos:
RT @Drudge_Report: Kids write Santa this year for basic needs -- instead of toys...
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @ mikeloukides The public cloud can't be trusted if users can be booted off w/o due process.
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @leavitt9: 3 Ways to Manage Your Online Identity
RT @foxnews: #BreakingNews: #BorderPatrol Says One of Its Agents Has Been Killed in Southern Arizona
RT @foxnation: Amazing Satellite Images of the Ghost Cities of China
RT @Drudge_Report: Moscow police arrest more than 100, fear riots...
RT @PastorTullian: The gospel frees us from the slavery of becoming preoccupied with our goodness.
RT @PaulPoteet: Kinky. RT @DadsInc: @themediamama I say we kidnap @paulpoteet & hold him hostage until he makes it warmer..Who's with me??!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

RT @CSMlibrary: MarijuanaUseSurpassesCigaretteSmokingAmongUS Teenagers4The1stTime:Federal2010SurveyOnDrugUse.Reuters
RT @Drudge_Report: School defends restraining 4-year-old with duct tape...
RT @Drudge_Report: Doctors Claim HIV-Positive Man Cured by Adult Stem Cell Transplant...
RT @TheBibleDay: Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Knock, Knock. Who's there? Smell mop. Smell mop who? (When u say it u will get it...)
What do you call people who are frightened of Santa?.....'Claus'-trophobic.
What happened when the elf ate the Christmas decorations?.....He came down with tinselitis.
Why was Santa's little helper so depressed?......He had low 'elf'-esteem.
Why did the man get fired from the orange juice factory?.....He couldn't concentrate.
RT @Drudge_Report: Mailman arrested for delivering mail nude...
RT @nytimes: Bucks: How to Avoid Tow Truck Scams
RT @HOUSEonFOX: Congratulations2 #House's Hugh Laurie on the Golden Globe nomination! Hugh is nominated for Best Actor in a Drama! Congrats!
RT @brad_s_johnson: If u don't experienceChrist@the mall,or u missHim@the office party,close ur eyes&quiet ur stressed heart.He is near!
RT @csmonitor: Voyager 1 nearing edge of solar system: NASA
RT @TheBibleDay: He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
~ Isaiah 40:29

Monday, December 13, 2010

RT @foxnation: Michelle Obama: 'We Can't Just Leave it Up to The Parents' // u know because we r just stupid zombies
RT @IMKristenBell: I designed this necklace w/all profits going2InvisibleChildren!Give it as a gift & do2Xs the good!
RT @TheBibleDay: But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.
RT @leannrimes: RT @TheJoeyParker: "When you really believe in yourself, you don't have to bring other people down." ~ Glee
RT @CSMlibrary: New Bedford, Massachusetts library challenges adults to read 50 books in 1 year -
RT @foxnation: Condoleezza Rice Schools Katie Couric on Why U.S. Invaded Iraq
RT @peoplemag: Tiny letters painted under Mona Lisa's eye may give clues to the model's identity.
RT @fredthompson: Poll: 40% of docs to quit or retire under Obamacare. O-care might still work if 40% of Americans promise never to get sick
RT @oreillyfactor: More Obama-care waivers issued to companies. Story:
RT @nytimes: Diner's Journal: Mashed Sweet Potatoes
RT @CSMlibrary: Google now allows results to be filtered by reading level - good feature for educators
RT @PastorTullian: Te gospel frees us2GIVE UP our place4others,not GUARD IN our place from others b/c our security is inChrist,not our place
RT @PastorTullian: What motivates our obedience determines whether or not it is a sacrifice of praise.
RT @brad_s_johnson: 4today,I will turn the other cheek,IwillBkinder than necessary,Iwill express thanks&Iwill look4Gods presence around me

Sunday, December 12, 2010

RT @Drudge_Report: Historians discover tiny numbers and letters in the eyes of Mona Lisa...
RT @GarySinise: I had the honor of sitting next2this amazingAmerican hero@theEllisIslandMedalOfHonor ceremony in2008
RT @DonnieWahlberg: From the way The Jets are playing... Maybe last week wasn't such a big win by The Patriots afterall... The Jets stink.
RT @TheBibleDay: Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
RT @csmonitor: Holiday recipes: Jezebel Jelly, a Retro Christmas gift
RT @Drudge_Report: PAPER: Why do we let this creepy company called GOOGLE spy on our emails?
RT @driverminnie: RT @tweedamaria: I wanna know what IDK stands for but nobody seems to know
RT @TheBibleDay: I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.
~ Psalm 17:6 #@TheBibleDay
RT @TedNugent: Happy Bday62 to me Dec13 livin my perfect AmericanDream clean+sober 62 yrs nonstop. Phenom// Happy Birthday, Uncle Ted
RT @brad_s_johnson: Every Sunday we R reminded of resurrection. Death cannot have us, the grave cannot hold us. We are immortal and eternal!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

RT @WTHRcom: Study: Most Hoosiers live paycheck to paycheck: A new study shows that most Indiana residents live
RT @DailyKeller: The observer of beauty always receives a passion to share the beauty with others.
RT @brad_s_johnson: Want your life to change in a positive way? Change your standard of giving rather than your standard of living.
RT @PastorTullian: Fear&Guilt gets u2obey temporarily.Faith&Grace gets u2obey eternally.GospelizedObedience lasts;MoralizedObedience doesn't
RT @oneluvria: @leannrimes Learning is... a change in behavior. You haven't learned a thing until you can take action & use it. -Shula & ...
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @maudnewton: AmazonClaimedWikileaksHadNoRightToPublishU.S.DiplomaticCablesOnline,IsNowSellingSame cables for Kindle.
RT @foxnewspolitics: Health Bill for Sept. 11 Survivors Falls Short in Senate
RT @fredthompson: Study: 25% of Gitmo releasees return to terrorism. Obama reportedly "troubled" by their 75% unemployment rate. #ftrs #tcot
RT @fredthompson: Survey: most Americans expect 2 work thru retirement. It's good news. Means people think there'll B jobs available by then
RT @TheBibleDay: Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
~ Psalm 10:17
RT @CBSTweet: CSI News:CanSaraWinOverHerMother-In-Law,Mrs.Grissom(Phyllis Frelich),OrWillGrissom'sEx(Marlee Matlin)StayHer fav? C next year!
RT @ihatequotes: You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him. -Leo Aikman
RT @brad_s_johnson: Now more than ever, it matters that HE is Immanuel, which means God is with you--always has been....ALWAYS will be.

Friday, December 10, 2010

RT @TedNugent: Being invited+blessed to join a dying child on their last wish hunt is spiritual beyond this world
RT @TedNugent: B sure u make a donation to the great USMC Toys4Tots charity this Christmas. Semper Fi
RT @TedNugent: Be sure 2 donate venison 2 your local Hunters4TheHungry this Christmas The gift of pure protein
RT @brad_s_johnson: If you pray for peace in your life, God will probably answer with simplicity.
RT @TheBibleDay: Don't just pretend 2 love others.Really love them.Hate what is wrong.Hold tightly2what is good.
~Romans 12:9 #@TheBibleDay
RT @iTweetFact: @AplusK, @KimKardashian, @LadyGaga and @JustinBieber have more followers than @Twitter. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: The average person sends 6,570,000 text messages a year. #iTweetFact
RT @PastorTullian: Only the gospel provides both the reason AND the resources to courageously live life with nothing to lose.
RT @PastorTullian: TheGospelEmpowersUsToLiveFearlessly,Generously,Courageously,&SacrificiallyBecauseEverythingWeNEEDweALREADY HAVEin Christ!
RT @PastorTullian: God'sGraceTowardUsIsNot a LesseningOfHisDemands.GraceIsExperiencedWhenWeRealizeTheseDemandsHaveAlready been met in Jesus.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

RT @CSMWorldDesk: 100s of Chinese have been taken away,put under arrest,etc2prevent them from attending #Nobel ceremony
RT @ZacharyLevi: SomVveryCloseFriendsOf mine make these killer neck/scarf/wrap/thingies that y'all need in ur life Go buy1@
RT @foxnewspolitics: White House Reads Palin Least on Tax Cuts Deal
RT @WTHRcom: Whooping cough case reported at HSE school: Parents are being notified after another case of whoopi...
RT @PastorTullian: God's intention for the gospel is that it not only grow wider in the world but that it also grow deeper in Christians.
RT @oreillyfactor: Obama saysU.S.motto is"E Pluribus Unum"but there's just1problemThat's not the official motto. Watch:
RT @TheBibleDay: Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
~ Colossians 4:2 #@TheBibleDay
RT @brad_s_johnson: ItIsNotTheDurationOfUrLifeThatCounts,ButThe donation.As long as we think life is about"getting,"we simply don't get it!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Big huge cheers and shout out to NBC for saying "Merry Christmas!"
RT @WTHRcom: Gold coins found in Indiaina Salvation Army kettles: The Salvation Army red kettles are coming up go...
RT @MarleeMatlin: I'm doing the original CSI-LasVegas. Some call it just CSI. Some call it the"Mothership." And it airs on CBS on February 3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

RT @PaulPoteet: Bad news: the Wiki leaks guy is about to release Santa's "naughty" list.
RT @CSMlibrary: The holiday season4military families:preparing care packages4deployed loved ones,opening gifts viaSkype
RT @GarySinise: RT @OpGratitude: Remember deployed #troops over the #holidays! Have u seen this new PSA w/ @GarySinise?
RT @Paula_Deen: I just love these cupcakes baked in a mason jar. They are so pretty.
RT @Drudge_Report: For a few, Pearl Harbor still a vivid memory...
RT @jeweljk: I support @stjude bc their cutting-edge research helps kids w cancer. Pls spread the word:
RT @iTweetFact: Coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: There are more coffee addicts in the US than drug addicts of any other kind. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: 53% of Twitter users are women. #iTweetFact

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Someday someone will love me enough to not leave me sitting alone for a long time while he goes and has fun, with never a thought for me.
Someday someone will love me enough to cut my salad for me if my hands are too full holding a child.
RT @iTweetFact: Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: People who texting while driving are 23 times more likely 2 be in a crash. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: If Wal-Mart was classified as a country, it would be the 24th most productive country in the world. #iTweetFact
RT @CBSTweet: Happy 200 episodes, CSI: MIAMI.We hear that 2nite's episode is going to be [put on shades here] killer... @CSIMiami_CBS 2Nite!
RT @michael_grimm: HelloMGfans!Letting u know Michael'sStore has a bunch of new items,shirts,ringtones,Grimmlins wear
RT @TheBibleDay: If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
~ Jeremiah 29:13, #@TheBibleDay
Chuck E. Cheese's here we come! Oh Lord give me strength!
RT @TheBibleDay: Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
~ Psalm 10:1 #@TheBibleDay
RT @TheBibleDay: Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
~ Colossians 3:2 #@TheBibleDay
RT @PaulPoteet: It doesn't show signs of stopping, so I brought this (brand new!) show for mocking.
FWD: JasonRitter: Can't wait for today's horse wedding! Great day for a bridle ceremony. Hope it doesn't rein!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

RT @IMKristenBell: ApparentlyMyPostmanIs a perv.Sent a boxHomeFrom alaska&the only thing hanging out were my undies.
RT @TheBibleDay: Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
~ 1 Peter 5:7 #@TheBibleDay
RT @Paula_Deen: Good Morning, wanted y'all 2 know that Brandon is going 2 be on HGTV tonight with Trisha Yearwood

Friday, December 3, 2010

#BlueBloods qoute "It's a funny thing about decisions, you don't seem to need to talk yourself into the right one."
RT @foxnation: Hold the Brownies! Michelle Obama Food Bill Could Limit School Bake Sales
RT @iTweetFact: A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe. #FactsAboutMen
RT @iTweetFact: Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log doesn't burn, he will take it personally.
RT @iTweetFact: Men who listen to classical music tend not to spit. #FactsAboutMen
RT @foxnews: RT @oreillyfactor: High school football player flagged for thanking God. Story:
RT @nbcsvu: Huge casting news! Oscar winner Jeremy Irons will guest star!! Spread the word: #SVU
RT @foxnation: Wachovia Bans Christmas Trees
RT @piersmorgan: Memo to Grammy-nominated Susan Boyle: take Ms Gaga and Ms Perry down.
RT @WTHRcom: FOPvotes2payBisard's legal fees //I for one will NEVER support FOP again! This is wrong!
RT @WTHRcom: GM says it'll close down Indy plant in June: General Motors will close its Indianapolis stamping pl...
RT @rascalflatts: Win a signed guitar! Retweet this 2 win & check out our new album NOTHING LIKE THIS available now!
RT @Drudge_Report: Manson busted with cellphone in prison...
RT @MarleeMatlin: Success never rests. On your worst days be good. On your best days be great. And on every other day get better. ~C.Mariano
RT @brad_s_johnson: The risk you take to forgive and give a second chance, is the same risk God took with you. Join the divine adventure
RT @TheBibleDay: Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
~ Colossians 4:2 #@TheBibleDay
RT @TheBibleDay: He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.
~ Psalm 147:3 #@TheBibleDay
RT @TheBibleDay: I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.
~ Psalm 17:6 #@TheBibleDay

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm a warm weather lovin' girl, but I gotta say I do love when I can put on my super-comfy, crazy-colored toe socks!
RT @moonfrye: My2year old asked why grown-ups wear bras.I said because they hold up our boobies.She has been laughing for10minutes straight.
RT @ZacharyLevi: Thank u,age 30,4 the 9gray strands that were pulled outta my head whilst gettin my hair did 4 work
RT @ralphmacchio: RT @Psych_USA: PSYCH-OS! Watch a promo for next week's episode, guest starring @RalphMacchio:
RT @leannrimes: RT @ihatequotes: Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it. -Abraham Lincoln
RT @JasonRitter: It's so hard to play any sport with elderly kangaroos. They're always totally out of bounds.
RT @PaulPoteet: YourWeatherDaddy does it,uh,calendar-style.Get"Dudes&Their Dogs" & help Humane Society for Hamilton Co:
RT @michael_grimm: Be sure to watch the Nascar Victory Lap on ESPN today!! Michael will be singing the national anthem!
RT @PaulPoteet: I just played the first10minutes of this2Mrs.P, &she is still rolling in the aisles. Dare ya to listen.
RT @Drudge_Report: PELOSI: Unemployment benefits 'create jobs'... //Dude, this woman is completely INSANE!
RT @fredthompson: Oops!Biden tells Kirk2place wrong hand onBible during swearing in.Joe,you know the difference.Left is side you vote with
RT @Drudge_Report: 8 sets of remains buried in same plot at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery...
RT @CSMlibrary: Food,recipes&musings4the global home cook:check out theCSM'sStirItUp!#cooking blog-now1month old! #food
RT @CSMlibrary: Salt & vinegar sweet potato fries - CSM Stir It Up! Home Cooking blog #food #cooking #recipe
RT @TheBibleDay: I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.
~ Psalm 17:6 #@TheBibleDay
RT @nytimes: App Smart: Top Ten Android Apps
RT @brad_s_johnson: There IsThat MomentWhen U RealizeThe GreatestGift IsWithin U & WillNever b Found @ TheMall.Thats WhenChristmasComesAlive
RT @David Grieve I posted this facebook status from my phone today: "who have you given first priority to in your life today?"
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Today!DontWasteAnotherDay!DontSquander A MinuteOrMiss A Moment!MakeEveryDayCount,EveryMinuteMatter&EveryMomentSpecial!
RT @TheBibleDay: My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. John 3:18 @TheBibleDay
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana Blood Center: All types of blood needed: The Indiana Blood Center says it currently has a c...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RT @foxnews: RT @Bret_Baier: U.S. AIDS Funding Program Started Under Bush Credited With Saving Millions:
RT @TheBibleDay: Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
~ Proverbs 13:20 #@TheBibleDay
RT @TheBibleDay: There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
~ Proverbs 18:24 #@TheBibleDay
RT @leannrimes: RT @iTweetFact: In Greek, X means Christ. That is where the word "X-mas" comes from. #iTweetFact
RT @csmonitor: Health-care reform law is constitutional, federal judge rules
RT @foxnewspolitics: IRS Warns Lawmakers Against Retroactive Tax Changes Next Year
RT @DonnieWahlberg: WalkPurposefully.WorkTirelessly.GiveFrequently.TrustCarefully.SmileEndlessly.BreatheEasily.LoveEffortlessly&LiveHappily.
RT @Drudge_Report: SACRIFICE: Obama offers to delay Hawaiian vacation for tax talks...
RT @Drudge_Report: 100,000 Apply for 1,000 Flight Attendant Jobs...
RT @Drudge_Report: In bra, panties and wheelchair, woman goes through Oklahoma City airport screening w/ pict
RT @TedNugent: See u on Anthony BourdainesNO RESERVATIONS TV show on Travel Channel MondayDec6 Christmas Special killin&grillinFUN with NUGE
RT @TedNugent: See u Sunday Dec5 following Sarah PalinsTLC TV show for a special Nuge interview podcast imnmediately following. SuchNugeFUN!
RT @piersmorgan: Hey @DavidHasselhoff - I actually miss you annoying me.
RT @ralphmacchio: Thx!MusicalGun fight.Vai=beast @Maichaialmaridz: watchin'the blues battle between @stevevai & @ralphmacchio. #crossroads
RT @CBSTweet: RT @GarySinise New episode coming up this Friday & the 150th episode! Don't miss it. #CSINY
RT @Drudge_Report: Perfluoroalkyls Used in Fast Food Wrappers Show Up in Human Blood...
RT @PaulPoteet: Top5Yahoo search terms of2010:Gulf ofMexico oil spill, WorldCup, MileyCyrus, KimKardashian, LadyGaga.NOT on list: "Yahoo."
RT @foxnation: WATCH: Conservatives Kicked Out Of Van Jones Event By Security
RT @foxnewspolitics: Transportation Secretary Criticizes New Rules for Highway Sign Overhaul
RT @TheBibleDay: Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.
~ Psalm 103:2 @TheBibleDay
RT @TheBibleDay: A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1 @TheBibleDay