Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RT @peoplemag: Feeling playful? Check out the 100 greatest toys of all time! (Via @time)
RT @NBCHarrysLaw: Kathy Bates talks #HarrysLaw in this new @Zap2it interview: Check it out!
RT @csmonitor: Huge fireball lights up sky over Eastern US
RT @brad_s_johnson: If not now, when? If not here, where? If not YOU, who? Today is the day to take a step toward your dream!! #gottabelieve

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

RT @foxnation: Republican Proposes to Cut Funding for Obama's Teleprompter!
RT @foxnation: OOPS! Obama Curses at News Conference (WATCH)
RT @foxnation: CBS Reporter Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted In Egypt
RT @PaulPoteet: THE PAUL & TOM SHOW #92: Jenny McCarthy shines a light into the dark corners of PMS. Paul's?
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @KatyinIndy: RT @welshman007: Report:ObamaQuietlyAppointsMuslimBrotherhood2KeyPosts
RT @BlueBloods_CBS: #BlueBloods moves back2Fridays@10/9c this week! Preview new episode: **yay! Wed. didn't work 4 me.
RT @csmonitor: Smoke and mirrors in Obama's budget? Five examples of creative accounting.
RT @Paula_Deen: Paula's Best Dishes Restaurant Secrets:
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @exposeliberals: Lets Lie! Michelle Obama's "cute parenting tip" is to lie to your kids #tcot
RT @Drudge_Report: LA County Worker Died In Cubicle, Found Next Day...
RT @csmonitor: Do black holes spin? The answer could be in the photons.
RT @foxnation: 'S__t Storm' on the Horizon...
RT @Paula_Deen: Paula's Best Dishes Ladies Who Lunch:
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @vintagemable: Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say & not giving a damn. ~Gore Vidal
RT @Paula_Deen: In a pinch for a great tasting weekday meal without a lot of fuss? Try these one pot meals!
RT @Paula_Deen: Paula's Best Dishes Take It Easy:
RT @therealzooeyd: One month from yesterday, march 14th, is marshmallow day. So get ready everyone, you need to start stockpiling NOW.
E! News
Billy Ray Cyrus blames "Hannah Montana" for Miley's string of scandals; says show "destroyed my family"
RT @foxnewspolitics: President Obama to hold 11 am ET press conference. Watch live on Fox News/
RT @Drudge_Report: Computer ties human on 'JEOPARDY!'
RT @Drudge_Report: Meteor Streaks Across East Coast; Residents Baffled by 'Fireball'...
RT @foxnation: BREAKING NEWS: Coca Cola Recipe 'Discovered'
RT @csmonitor: Financial aid: One of six tools to graduate debt-free
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-If u stop waiting around 4 a reason 2live...U can just start living-with no reason 2 stop! U r here!Make it count!
RT @therealzooeyd: bread is just a delicious vehicle for butter isn't it?

Monday, February 14, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: Mount St. Helens rumbles...
RT @csmonitor: Defining intelligence in the Watson computer on Jeopardy!
RT @CSMlibrary: In the digital age - do people send each other love letters any more? The Independent #writing
RT @Drudge_Report: Russian Mars mission lands on red planet -- sort of...
RT @CSMlibrary: Their affection4another expressed not thru jewelry,roses,but acts of devotion:80Valentine'sDays.WPost
Omg! @NKOTB Valentine Girl! That song always made me totally SWOON!
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @Intellogist: "Iceland may be the1stNation2Have entire cultural #library digitized&put online."
RT @CSMlibrary: Valentine's Day Report: 7 Ways Marriage is Changing - A CSM Briefing #marriage #society #trends
RT @CSMlibrary: HappyValentinesDay,Let'sBalanceTheCheckbook!Or-How2TalkFinances w/out ruining romance(&why that's good)
RT @CSMlibrary: WhereJournalism&LibrariesMeet.BEYOND BOOKS:News,Literacy&Democracy4America's #Libraries
RT @foxnews: A lost love token worn through the Vietnam War has found its way back to a war widow ? 40 years later
E! News
Prince William chooses Prince Harry as best man; Kate Middleton selects sister Pippa to be maid of honor
RT @womensweardaily: Barbie & Ken finally reunite after a 7-year break. Ken tells WWD, "Barbie's the only doll for me."
RT @givethemgrace: Every way we try2make kids good that isn't rooted in good news of Jesus is damnable,crushing,Pharisee-producing law.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-Valentines Day or not-Just LOVE some1 !Life's 2 damn short 4 hate! 2 damn short2waste!Spread LOVE&LOVE will spread!
RT @foxnation: Obama's $3.7 Trillion Budget Includes Staggering Tax Hikes and Increases the Debt
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @RevRunWisdom: Faith = (F)orsaking (A)ll (I) (T)rust (H)im! #GODBLESS
RT @brad_s_johnson: For every hurt and every hope your HEART carries...Jesus knows and fully loves you this Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Congrats #MirandaLambert on Grammy win!
Congrats to #Train for Grammy! My fave feel-good song right now is #HeySoulSister ! Love you guys- u rock!
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @f396: drac65 Why the hell are we allowing 360 million of our tax dollars to go to Planned Parenthood?
RT @peoplemag: Check out the best dressed stars from the Grammys!
RT @Kellie_Martin: Happy Belated Birthday, Mr. Lincoln. Sorry I forgot about it yesterday. I know how you hate when I do that.
RT @michaelbuble: Michael Buble wins Grammy for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album for "Crazy Love"
RT @womensweardaily: Ballerinas gracefully display the jewelry at the Erickson Beamon presentation. #NYFW
RT @thefredsavage: I'veSung"SurferGirl"2MyDaughterEvery time I've put her down since she was born.2day is the1st day she sang along. Beyond!
RT @Paula_Deen: Last minute homemade gifts for your Valentine:
RT @iamfrench: RT @buffmonster: twitter suggests that i follow kanye west. really?
RT @PaulPoteet: Difference Between Freezing Rain & Sleet: What's the difference between freezing rain & sleet?
RT @NKOTB: Be sure to catch @DonnieWahlberg presenting tonight @thegrammys! #nkotbsb
RT @CBSTweet: Check out the list of nominees for @thegrammys tonight 8pmET/PT. Who do you want to win?!
RT @peoplemag: Watching the Grammys tonight? Chat with us on our our live blog, check out our 360? camera and more!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

RT @crikiedudes67 RT @f396: RT @BKArms: @f396 WHO APPOINTED MICHELLE OBAMA THE DIET CZAR.......??? I think it was her fat ass!!" "LOL"
Making "top-your-own-fries" tonight! Taco, pizza, chili, cheese, hamburger, ham, veggies,... YUM!
RT @Paula_Deen: Tackle a new recipe and learn how to make divinity this weekend:
RT @iamfrench: No they're notDon't try to fool people into buying them. "@wmag: Fanny packs r making a come back "

Friday, February 11, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: Man dies after wait for ambulance -- in hospital parking lot!
RT @Paula_Deen: Recipes from today's show, Lovey Dovey Dinner:
RT @Paula_Deen: What's for dinner? How about @thedeenbros Speedy Mini Meat Loaves!
RT @WTHRcom: Plan to eliminate Indiana township boards advances: A state Senate committee has approved a bill th...
RT @Paula_Deen: Paula's Best Dishes Ultimate Comfort:: Coconut Cream Bread Pudding, The Lola Burger
RT @Paula_Deen: Little cookie sandwiches can send a big message this Valentine's Day.
RT @AliciaSilv: donate a bed to a dog in need for valentine's day!
RT @iamfrench: Yo, A Charlie Brown Valentine is on tonight at 8. I know what I'll be doing!! :)
RT @Paula_Deen: Cater Me This:: Asparagus Quiche, Strawberry Tiramisu Bites
RT @nytimes: Also today: Fashion Week. Wall-to-wall coverage, w/slide shows, reviews & video. Start here:
RT @WTHRcom: Speedway announcer Tom Carnegie dies at 91: Eyewitness News has learned that Carnegie passed away a...
RT @MaxLucado: There r many reasons 2 help people in need.Delivering someone from poverty unleashes that person's potential #OutliveYourLife
RT @CSMlibrary: #FollowFriday Gratitude4OurFriends @todayisdifferen @annfinster @daisymae051479. Thank u4caring about global news&theCSM #ff
RT @llcoolj: An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.? ~Arnold Glasow
RT @llcoolj: Well done is better than well said.? ~Benjamin Franklin
RT @Paula_Deen: Tablescape,ChocolateDesserts,&HomMadeGiftsFromTheKitchen,EverythingYouNeedToCelebrateValentine'sDay:
RT @PaulPoteet: RT @IndianapolisZoo: Caption Friday Contest on #Indianapolis Zoo Facebook Page today!
RT @foxnation: Two Dems Get Into Fistfight at Steakhouse
RT @PaulPoteet: RT @Pundamania: A man goes2doctor."I'm addicted2Twitter",he says.Doctor says:"I'm sorry, I don't follow you"(Thx @FallonTim)
RT @WTHRcom: Family of boating crash victims fights to get law changed: After a fatal?accident on an Indiana lak...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

RT @foxnation: Arizona Declares War: Suing the Obama Administration
RT @womensweardaily: TheSceneWasBerkeleyInTheSeventies@StevenAlan-HisFootwearCollectionMakingItsDebutThisSeason. #NYFW
RT @darleneschacht: Loving those who are the most difficult to love sets us apart as people with genuine character. ~ Time-Warp Wife
RT @darleneschacht: Looking for a faith based conference for bloggers who homeschool? Check out 2:1!
RT @brad_s_johnson: ForgivenessDoesn'tChangeThePast.YouCan'tUnscrambleEggs.ButForgivenessChangesTheFuture.God TakesOurMessAndMakesOmelets.
RT @womensweardaily: Yoo'sDebutPresentationShowedWorkWear-InfusedPeacoats,SlimSkirts&PleatedTrousers,In a StarkPalette
RT @leegunter: RT @karijobe: This verse is incredible: "You must not fear them, for the Lord Your God Himself fights for you." (deut 3:22).
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @PMgeezer: ItIsNowClear...TheObamaRegimeSupportsTheMuslimBrotherhood & their goals of Islamic Revolution.
#Egypt #tcot
RT @womensweardaily: "EffortlessChic"IsHowGeorgeSharpDescribedHisTightLineupForSt.John'sFirstFormal #NYFW presentation.
RT @crikiedudes67: Flatulence forces emergency news-Vehicular via @msnbc
RT @womensweardaily: ChangingRetailExperienceIsn'tJustAbstractIdeaForNormaKamali.She'sBeenExperimentalFromDayOne #NYFW
RT @DonnieWahlberg: ItsColderThan a NakedManSittingOutsideOn a GlacierInTheNorthPoleUnder a FanWithThe ac RunningHighWhileDrinkingAnIcedTea!
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: Best Valentine's Day gift ever? Name a giant hissing cockroach after your loved one
RT @womensweardaily: ThisSeason, Max&LubovAzriaGaveTheirBCBG MaxAzria girl what she expects:lots of easy,fluid dresses.
RT @llcoolj: "Arrogance diminishes wisdom"
RT @CSMWorldDesk: Rising prices of food staples around the world threaten the world's poor.
RT @womensweardaily: Tuesday's show hasn't stopped VeraWang from hosting lunch 2day @National 2 show off her wedding dresses 4 David'sBridal
RT @foxnation: Michelle Obama's $495 Gardening Boots Criticized
RT @womensweardaily: A pre-fashion week panel 4 NYC students gave budding fashionistas inside look@ industry Tues.night
RT @brad_s_johnson: To say, "I forgive you, but..." is to not have forgiven at all.
RT @leegunter: RT @jonacuff: U can add a single cellist2almost any situation&make it instantly cooler.Adding tuba creates opposite effect.
RT @llcoolj: "An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass"??George Washington
RT @llcoolj: "An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass"??George Washington
RT @WTHRcom: Bitter cold awaits students at school bus stops: Emergency room doctors?want parents to know how qu...
RT @nbcsvu: RT @TVdotcomUK: Calling all Law&Order:SVU fans!Check out this interview w/Christopher Meloni @nbcsvu #L&OSVU
RT @AliciaSilv: breastfeeding basics
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: Best Valentine's Day gift ever? Name a giant hissing cockroach after your loved one
RT @WFMS: The WFMS RileyRadiothon is happening right now!Call1-888-745-3954 or go2 2donate.Help us save &...
RT @womensweardaily: Oscar de la Renta,MarcJacobs,&DKNY r just few of brands who will b livestreaming again this season
RT @csmonitor: Peanut butter whoopie pies
RT @DonnieWahlberg: ItsColderThan a NakedManSittingOutsideOn a GlacierInTheNorthPoleUnder a FanWithThe ac RunningHighWhileDrinkingAnIcedTea!
RT @leegunter: AMEN that. RT @ArtieDavis: Men, like rivers, become crooked because they follow the way of least resistance.
RT @Paula_Deen: Chocolate Spice Cupcakes For Two by @cupcakeproject:
RT @womensweardaily: Top 10 Pantone colors for men's and women's collections for fall 2011.
RT @leegunter: Amen. RT @AgnewsDei: A man must not choose his neighbor; he must take the neighbor that God sends him. - George MacDonald
RT @WTHRcom: The iPhone wars heat up: It's is the day many people have been waiting for when the iPhone 4 become...
RT @WTHRcom: Brr! Might want to wear a coat today. Or two.
RT @Drudge_Report: Big Stink Travels From WV to Baltimore; Rotten Cabbage Odor...
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-Walk with purpose!Talk with purpose!Live with purpose!Love with purpose!U r OnlyHereOnce...SO MAKE THAT SH*T COUNT!
RT @Paula_Deen: Get ready for a romantic dinner this Valentine's Day with Date Night Recipes:
RT @Drudge_Report: Icelandic volcano 'set to erupt'; would dwarf last year's event...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Okay, Hot In Cleveland is like the best show! Always makes me laugh and feel better!
RT @nytimes: New York Fashion Week: Another Season, Another Show
RT @jimmyfallon: A SurveyFound15%Of AmericansHaveHadMoreSexThanUsual WhileBeingSnowedInThisWinter.So who's laughing NOW,Hawaii?! #FallonMono
RT @nytimes: Fetal Surgery Helps Spina Bifida, Study Says
RT @Kellie_Martin: Dear Whoever's in Charge of This Sort of Thing: I would like 4 more hours in our normal 24 day.Mostly2sleep.Thanks.Kellie
RT @MaxLucado: Next time u hear a baby laugh r see an ocean wave,take note.Pause & listen as his Majesty whipsers ever so gently,'I'm here.'
RT @darleneschacht: How and why you should fight with your husband. It really is good for your marriage:
RT @DonnieWahlberg: RT @TheGRAMMYs: MarcAnthony, @JamieFoxx, @Jeweljk, JohnMayer, @PauleyP,& @DonnieWahlberg WillPresent@Music'sBiggestNight
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @WJHG_TV: AmberAlertIssued4PensacolaToddler:An Amber Alert has been issued for 17-month-old Keith Squ... http:// ...
RT @MaxLucado: Jesus washes feet. Incredible. He cleanses the dirtiest n grimiest parts of our lives. Need time in His basin? I do.
RT @Paula_Deen: RT @thedeenbros: Watch the Dr. Oz show today as we introduce you to the Unhealthiest Cook in America!
RT @WFMS: It's time2pay it forward!! Tomorrow WFMS will kick off the annual Riley Radiothon, you can listen live at...
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana proposal would say life begins at conception: The proposal adds provisions to the state's i...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

RT @csmonitor: Shark attacks: researchers say 'fight back'
RT @fredthompson: FmrDNC ChairDean:"It's govt's job to redistribute".Ah,yes.TheConstitution'sInfamous"spread the wealth around"clause. #tcot
RT @nytimes: New York Fashion Week: 'Less Is More' Is Mattering Most CAN'T WAIT!
RT @Indstatepolice: Do ur part2prevent/avoid crashes:Don't Tailgate,Use Turn Signals4Lane changes as well as4Turning&ALWAYS Buckle-Up!!
RT @crikiedudes67: "WhatCountryCanPreserveItsLibertiesIfItsRulersAren'tWarnedFromTime2TimeThatTheirPeople (cont)
RT @leegunter: RT @paulsteinbrueck: InsteadOfComplainingThatTheRosebushIsFullOfThorns,BeHappyThatTheThornBushHasRoses.-German proverb
RT @leegunter: AMEN! RT @RickWarren: "Better to be ordinary and work for a living than act important and starve in the process" Prov.12:9
RT @csmonitor: It's official: The Internet just ran out of addresses
RT @Paula_Deen: A Recipe for the Perfect Valentine's Day:
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @PatriotAirborne: REMEMBER PATRIOTS: "An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject"Jefferson #tcot #teaparty
RT @iTweetFact: The word "democracy" is banned in online chat rooms in China. #iTweetFact
RT @Drudge_Report: Romania may get even tougher on witches...
RT @WTHRcom: Employees tackle grocery store robbery suspect: A man who tried to rob a Marsh grocery store Tuesda...
RT @foxnation: Fact Check Destroys Obama's Claim He Didn't Raise Taxes
RT @foxnation: Hillary Tells Whopper About Obama and Israel
RT @oreillyfactor: PolitiFact: Obama not completely honest on taxes in O'Reilly interview. Details:
RT @darleneschacht: "Belief in 1sself can carry a man 2 top of a mountain,whereas belief inGod can move that mountain aside."~ReshapingItAll
RT @JasonRitter: She doesn't think I'm capable of cleaning myself by standing under hot water spraying out of a nozzle?Well, I'll show 'er!
RT @Drudge_Report: Obama's Claim That He Didn't Raise Taxes Rejected As 'Blatantly False' by Taxpayer Watchdog...
RT @megynkelly: Teacher shows"Brokeback Mountain"to bunch of 12 yr olds w/o their parents'permission.Judge has just ruled--that's just fine
RT @crikiedudes67: ="Now, a year later, I gotta ask ... how's that 'hopey-changey' stuff workin' out for ya?"- Sarah Palin, February 5, 2010
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana among 11 states with widespread flu outbreaks: The Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-U will wake up.U will step up.U will rise up.2 the task at hand & the challenge ahead.U will handle it! Ualways do!
RT @crikiedudes67: RT @Pudingtane: Opinion group whole-heartedly believes BO is a Muslim...without a doubt, and that is what is driving his ideology & agen ...
RT @fredthompson: China refusing2let a 4000 year old mummy tour US museums. They won't say why not. Maybe it won a Nobel Peace Prize. #tcot

Monday, February 7, 2011

Harry's Law right now! EXCITED!!!!!!!!
RT @csmonitor: Roses: New research raises questions about their history
RT @foxnation: O'Reilly After Super Bowl Interview: Obama 'Thin-Skinned'
RT @JasonRitter: This morning I awoke2find I was freezing because I had kicked my sheets&blanket off the bed. What a chilling dis-cover-y!
RT @PatriciaHeaton: Happy Monday! It was so great to eat real food yesterday! Back on birdfeed today..
E! News:
Super Bowl averages nearly 111 million viewers, making it the most watched show in TV history
RT @CSMlibrary: CookbookReview:'TheFlavorsOfMalaysia'-CSM StirItUp!GlobalHomeCookingBlog #Malaysia #food #recipe #books
RT @AliciaSilv: how to pack a healthy lunch that your kids will actually eat!
RT @brad_s_johnson: God gives all the strength and time to accomplish all He desires from you today. To attempt more leads to exhaustion.
RT @givethemgrace: TellingChildren2Seek a RightStandingB4GodByBeingObedient2Us,IsDrowningThemIn a MinistryOfDeath.ChristRighteousnessALONE
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day!Life will test u-So study.u don't gotta get an"A"- Anything above"D"is a passing grade!&Bware of those pop quizzes!
RT @MaxLucado: u aren't an accident.You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted,lovingly positioned on earth by the Master Craftsman.
RT @Drudge_Report: B.O. VS. B.O...
RT @PaulPoteet: Check out this map:BlackEyedPeas have unitedAmerica!ChristinaAguilera should sing an Anthem in honor
RT @foxnation: Teen Arrested for Blaspheming Muhammad in Essay
RT @foxnation: PBS Slanders Reagan
RT @foxnation: Liberals: Tea Party More Dangerous Than Muslim Brotherhood

Sunday, February 6, 2011

RT @PaulPoteet: Bam-ba-lam!
RT @PaulPoteet: Eminem is selling cars and Lipton tea now. Next he'll recut that Rihanna duet & tie her to a Select Comfort Sleep Number Bed
RT @PaulPoteet: 1 minute u look up&Usher is wearingDepends...then it's the dancing Ice Cube Heads.Sweet Halftime Of Mine-where do we go NOW?
RT @JasonRitter: I'm really enjoying this Superb Owl! What a hoot.
RT @PaulPoteet: GNR trumps CGI.
RT @leegunter: RT @RickWarren: God has promised to meet "all your needs" (Ph. 4:19) not all your greeds.
RT @BradPaisley: I'm starting to think the $500 I bet on the Browns was a bad idea.
RT @ESPN_Michelle: Dear Fox. The shot of C Diaz feeding A Rod popcorn forced an unwanted regurgitation episode. Please do not do again
RT @foxnation: Super O, Bill O'Reilly Interviews President Obama (WATCH)
RT @foxnation: Michelle Obama's Shocking Anti-Obesity Super Bowl Menu
RT @nytimes: The Caucus: Obama and O'Reilly Talk Mubarak and Football
Obama is asked how he feels about people hating him and he snickers... what an immature dope.
O'Reilly asks soke straight questions! Gutsy!
RT @therealzooeyd: I CANNOT wait for the puppy bowl, I'm rooting for ALL OF THEM!!!!
WatchingO'reillyInterviewW/Obama:This man cannot give StraightAnswer,&he is DrasticallyPartisan,&very small man who has2take jabs@someone
RT @Drudge_Report: Pricey Prince concert canceled at last minute...
RT @Drudge_Report: Hundreds Of Seats Not Ready For Game...
RT @ZacharyLevi: Thirdly, as I want the Packers2win the Super Bowl,&since my rooting4a team backfires as we all know...Go Steelers!
RT @BrentSpiner: RT @sammut42003
@BrentSpiner-u never use ur facebook page? --I don't have a facebook page. All Brent Spiner's there r fakes
RT @Drudge_Report: Brady first voted unanimous AP NFL MVP...
RT @ZacharyLevi: And lastly, I'm about to play in a pre-game ping-pong tourny. Pray for strength. I may not come out of this alive.
RT @Drudge_Report: IRS behind on tax returns...
RT @Drudge_Report: NASA Releases First 360-Degree View of Entire Sun...
RT @Angie_Harmon: HEY! Any1 in my hometownDallas go2MICOCINA4theBESTMEXICANFOOD &the most amazing drink ever!! The MAMBO TAXI... JUST TRUST
RT @Angie_Harmon: Did u all c the visa commercial of guys who've never missed a superbowl?1 of them is sick&in the hosp! :( twangels pray!
RT @jimmyfallon: Super Bowl!!!!! Partying w/ @mariobatali. I think he's taking the Packers. Which means... I have to take Steelers, right?
RT @BrentSpiner: ApparentlyChurchesAroundTheCountryHave"SouperBowlSunday"2feed the hungry.Imagine how many could b fed in football stadiums?
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @InStyle: Chic Super Bowl outfit ideas!
RT @Angie_Harmon: Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing ur temper or ur self confidence. -Robert Frost
RT @foxnation: AZ Rancher Ordered to Pay Damages to Illegals he Found on his Property
RT @TedNugent: FOXNewsSaysMyHuckabeePerformanceWillAirFinally2nite!PreemptedByTuscon shooting then Egypt KLSTRPHK! Killershit.Tune in&enjoy!
RT @Ali_Sweeney: Hell yeah!! RT @MyTrainerBob: Be on the lookout4 @jillianmichaels #SuperBowl commercial for Go Daddy. My girl looks HOT!!!
RT @bretmichaels: Let's Go Steelers!
RT @bretmichaels: I'mRooting4MySteelers,ButMy best2my buddiesA.J.Hawk,DarynColledge, @claymatthews52 &Korey Hall of GB
RT @fredthompson: Gitmo detainee dies while exercising on elliptical machine.Strange.These guys usually die choking on steak&lobster dinners
RT @foxnation: RT @oreillyfactor: Reminder:Interview w/PresidentObama from theWhiteHouseLIVE@4:45 PM EDT on FOX, prior2theSuperBowl.
RT @fredthompson: What made Reagan the Great Communicator: #tcot
RT @foxnews: Barbie&Ken may b getting back 2gether after their historic2004split.Do u think they should? Take our poll!
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: A coincidence is when God performs a miracle and decides to remain anonymous.
RT @nytimes: Football fans: #Superbowl updates @nytimesfifthdown&fromNYTsports tweeters @judybattista @JSablichNYT @nytbishop @NYTJohnBranch
RG @Angie_Harmon: RT @KinGee7: "Take 10% of that dough you're tryna stack.. Send it up to God, guarantee He'll send it back" -@llcoolj
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @saks: OK,Sunday morning beauty tip...give your skin a break from makeup today. Tomorrow, you'll be fresher for it...
RT @MaxLucado: God loves u.Personally.Powerfully.Passionately.Others have promised&failed.God has promised&succeeded.That's unfailing love.
What we r having 4 Super Bowl: 2/2: BaconWrappedSmokies,BaconParmesanCrackers,BLTdip,ChickenDip,CheeseStraws,ChocolatePeanutButterBars!
What we r having 4 superbowl: 1/2 : BakedChiliCheeseDip,PartyWings,PepperoniSquares,CheddarOlivePops,ChiliBiscuitCups,Rumaki,SausageBalls...
RT @desiringgod: God's will for your life: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
RT @peoplemag: A new baby and a crazy Super Bowl recipe from Top Chef's Richard Blais.
RT @csmonitor: Super Bowl edition: entrepreneurial cheeseheads
RT @csmonitor: Super Bowl edition: entrepreneurial cheeseheads
RT @PaulPoteet: Just a quickie this morning(talking snow,of course)but if u want reassurance,click here4some huge radar

Saturday, February 5, 2011

RT @Kellie_Martin: Sweet! Hope you like it! RT @buckhollywood: @Kellie_Martin I just set my DVR for the 11 O'clock show! #Smooch
RT @Kellie_Martin: RT @hallmarkchannel: Tune into Hallmark Channel Original Movie, "Smooch," Sat. 2/5, 9p/8c. RT 2 win
RT @peoplemag: Super Bowl 'Mane' Event: Troy Polamalu vs. Clay Matthews
RT @WTHRcom: AP: Sanders, Faulk, Sharpe, Dent, Sabol, Richter, Hanburger elected to Pro Football Hall of Fame.
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: Sometimes we have 2 stop & let go of one dream so we can move forward with another.
RT @fredthompson: A tribute to Ronald Reagan on the occasion of his 100th birthday #tcot
RT @oreillyfactor: Weekend Crossword. Print or Play online:
RT @glamourdotcom: We've picked our top 3 wedding dresses of the week, and they're big and poufy and princess-y! Which do like best? htt ...
RT @Drudge_Report: Pittburgh steelers warned about missing shifts after Pittsburgh Steelers game...
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @kristyden: @Angie_Harmon News Alert! TNT is having a R&I marathon on Monday!!
RT @MaxLucado: God loves u simply because he has chosen2.He loves u when u don't feel lovely.He loves u when no one else does.No matter what
RT @csmonitor: Reagan's 100th birthday: 10 defining moments
RT @NKOTB: And it's root, root root for the NEW KIDS...
RT @oreillyfactor: The Factor will b interviewing PresidentObama from White House LIVE on Sunday, at 4:45 PM EDT, prior to the Super Bowl.
RT @Drudge_Report: Man Runs 365 Marathons -- In 365 Days...
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @InStyle: 22 makeup shades that work for everyone!
Grease sing a long! So cool! Wish i coulda gone to the theater and saw it! S'okay on tv tho... i'll settle
Anna Lea Brown
RT @nytimes: It May Be a Sputnik Moment, but Science Fairs Are Lagging
Mrs doubtfire is on
Anna Lea Brown

Friday, February 4, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: Bloomberg spends $245,000 in taxpayers' cash on
On a personal level... I just really need to state that King Of The Hill totally ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @TIME: Twitter gets a seat in the court room | (via @Techland)
RT @csmonitor: Mark Kelly hopes wife Gabrielle Giffords will attend shuttle launch
RT @iamfrench: RT @AdviceToWriters: A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.RICHARD BACH #amwriting #writing #writetip
RT @iAmMasoud: SocialNetworkingDaily is out ? Top stories today via @maureenpz81 @daisymae051479 @mruggieri @nflaprguy
RT @PaulPoteet: This week'sIceStorm has Blood Center running low.Come byCarmel this afternoon&u can lay down next to me.
RT @therealzooeyd: I love the guitar solo at the end of Gypsy by fleetwood mac so much!
RT @csmonitor: Super bowl recipes: A round-up for your party
@CSMlibrary Wow! Thanks for the #ff ! I feel honored & humbled... Love you guys bunches! You are the best news & info source EVER. Period.
RT @CSMlibrary: #FollowFriday Gratitude for our friend @daisymae051479 forALLyour eclectic interests and sharing the CSM.Happy weekend! #ff
RT @leannrimes: RT @friendslikeus: The greatest reward is"the giving."When u receive... it changes"your day",When u changes"you".
RT @therealzooeyd: brown sugar is a REALLY high maintenance pantry staple. I give up, I'm inviting maple syrup to my oatmeal party instead.
RT @csmonitor: Grilled pork roast with mustard and fresh herbs
RT @Drudge_Report: Bangladeshi girl, 14, lashed to death after rape by 40-year-old cousin...
FWD: Ali_Sweeney: Thanks @JesseBrune for the great suggestions! XO RT @Ali_Sweeney: Super Super Bowl Snacks!
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @EW: Zac Brown brings home baby No. 4
RT @PatriciaHeaton: Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Dickens. TGIF!
RT @peoplemag: Miranda Lambert: Too Happy to Write Good Country Songs?
RT @PaulPoteet: Friday Indiana Weather Almanac: Click for an audio version of your weekend weather, and a?
RT @WTHRcom: State employees gathering food to help people in need: Indianapolis - Indiana state employees are g...
To help a needy child get winter clothes go to
RT @darleneschacht: Easy Craft Idea for your home: 10 Minutes and an Old Shirt.
RT @fredthompson: NYC bans outdoor smoking on beaches.When r they going 2 address the REAL problem with their beaches? Fat guys in speedos.
RT @nytimes: On Baseball: After 16 Seasons, Goodbye to a Gamer
RT @csmonitor: Verizon iPhone review roundup
RT @Angie_Harmon: I would LOVE2have played catwoman in batman but seems anne hathaway beat me2it. What is the sign4"bawling my eyes out?!?"
RT @fredthompson: Obama2Egypt protesters:"we hear ur voices".Must've got hearing aid fixed,b/c couldn't hear squat during health care debate
RT @therealzooeyd: I hope1day I am driving down street,& happen upon a spontaneous dance-off,&then I can decide who wins.then eat ice cream.
RT @fxnopinion: Feel good Tweet of Day RT @ClaytonMorris: Wow there R good ppl.Left iPad on train in Zurich&some1 returned it2the police!
RT @csmonitor: Photo taken byAnnHermes,theMonitor's staff photographer on-the-ground inCairo Read the latest...
RT @MaxLucado: It's a message that Jesus made crystal clear: when we love those in need, we love him.
RT @WFMS: The annual WFMS Riley Radiothon is coming next week! To make a donation on-line please click this link!!!
RT @givethemgrace: "This book has been a real game-changer4Veronica&me." / Parents-keep ur eye out4this book in May!"
RT @CSMlibrary: SuperBowl recipe:SpinachDip&FriedWontonChips-CSMStirItUp! global home cooking blog #food #NFL #cooking
RT @CSMlibrary: HowGermany,a NewMini-Superpower,IsThrivingInToughTimes.THE GERMAN WAY #Germany
RT @CSMlibrary: Farmers Field:L.A.edges closer2building$1billion football stadium - #NFL #football #sports
RT @DonnieWahlberg: EVERYDAY!When urAlarmSoundsInTheAM & u FeelThatHopeless moment of fear-Don't wish it away-get ur ass up&take on the day!
RT @Paula_Deen: Nine SOUPer bowl soup recipes for Sunday's big game!
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @SPIEGEL_English: VeiledDebateArrivesInGermany:StateProhibitsBurqas@Work4PublicEmployees...
RT @Drudge_Report: Obama creates new global warming rules; Exempts GE...
RT @Drudge_Report: Woman Jailed Over Son's School Absences...
RT @Drudge_Report: Chicago mayor silent, unseen during blizzard...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: 91-Year-Old Man, 82-Year-Old Wife Fend Off Armed Robber...
RT @Drudge_Report: World food prices reach new record...
RT @Drudge_Report: Oysters 'disappearing worldwide'...
RT @Drudge_Report: Obama response to Egypt draws criticism in Israel...
RT @PaulPoteet: Who? Didn't he invent MySpace? RT @willi_b: @PaulPoteet I didn't know you changed your name to Al Gore.
RT @PaulPoteet: Some fan re-mixed me! RT @brewhouse: Nice work-btw.Some texted it2me fromFt.Wayne.U r everywhere

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

RT @Kellie_Martin: My 4 year old: "Mama, you're my precious moment." Pure sweetness, right?
RT @fredthompson: 2008:Obama mocked individual mandate on Ellen show.Used2mockBush tax cuts,2.Does this guy pass EVERYTHING he makes fun of?
RT @fredthompson: GOP Sens introduce Obamacare opt-out bill4states.Between this&700waivers,pretty soon Obamacare will only coverReid&Pelosi
RT @darleneschacht: If you missed @candacecbure on The Joy Behar Show, you can see it here:
RT @fredthompson: SD legislators mock Obama w/ bill mandating gun purchase. Foolish, useless law. Doesn't mandate buying ammo, too. #tcot
RT @foxnation: Senate Rejects GOP Effort to Repeal Obamacare...See how Your Senator Voted
RT @foxnation: Obama 'Hears the Voices' of Egyptian Protesters but Ignores American Tea Parties?
RT @Paula_Deen: How to make the Lady and Sons' perfect fried green tomatoes at home (video):
RT @csmonitor: Farmers Field: L.A. edges closer to building $1 billion football stadium
Today is Wear Red Day. Yes, a fabulous bold lipstick counts!
Word Of The Day:
Disheveled (adj). Untidy. After Monique took off her winter hat, her hair was all disheveled.
RT @Drudge_Report: WH shuts out media; reporters file complaint...
RT @foxnation: Student Punished for Taking Eco-Unfriendly Ziploc to School
RT @csmonitor: Super Bowl recipes: Spinach dip and fried wonton chips
RT @Drudge_Report: NASA spots 54 potentially life-friendly planets...
RT @CSMlibrary: How does the fudgiest brownie ever&glass of milk sound right about now?CSM StirItUp! #cooking #recipe
RT @oreillyfactor: Uh oh -- old interview features Obama opposing the health care individual mandate. Watch:
RT @CSMlibrary: Exclusive:Egypt's turmoil as seen byCSMphotographer&correspondent #Egypt #photos
RT @foxnation: Internet Inventor Gore's Website Crashed by Drudge
RT @CSMlibrary: America's #education system'badly broken'Focus on4year college degree&not all may want/need1 HGS report
RT @BlueBloods_CBS: #BlueBloods 2NIGHT: When undercover counter-terrorism agent shot, Frank assigns Danny to the case.
RT @PaulPoteet: Travel tricky this afternoon in most Indiana County-by-county:
RT @foxnation: Egyptian Foreign Ministry Says Obama Inciting Violence
RT @CSMlibrary: SuperBowl2011:How much do U know about theGreenBayPackers? Test ur knowledge -CSM quiz! #sports #NFL
Prada s SS11 fashion is all about bright colors and woven leather on purses and shoes.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: TONIGHT... NEW BLUE BLOODS!!!! Only on CBS!
RT @DonnieWahlberg: TONIGHT... NEW BLUE BLOODS!!!! Only on CBS!
RT @nbcsvu: New #SVU episode coming tonight at 10/9c! Watch a sneak peek to kick off SVU day!
RT @csmonitor: Punxsutawney Phil: 2011 will see early spring. Can we trust a groundhog?
RT @desiringgod: Have u failed? Do not dispair.Fly at once to the throne of grace.Confess,repent, & begin! Do not give up. -Beeke #dgpascon
RT @WFMS: Chuck Lofton said the ground hog did not see his shaddow and that means spring like conditions will be here before six weeks.
T @DonnieWahlberg: 2day!There r no shortcuts2what u want in life!Don'tBafraid2do the work!Just take a deep breath-then dig in&get it done!
RT @candacecbure: RT @NancyDeMoss: "I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy." (Ps 116:1)
RT @desiringgod: Psalm 37: When we delight ourselves in the Lord, the desires of our heart become The Lord Himself. -Rankin #dgpascon
RT @MaxLucado: there r many reasons2help those in need.But4theChristian,none is higher than this:when we love those in need,we r lovingJesus
RT @iTweetFact: More money spent each year on alcohol&cigarettes than on Life insurance #iTweetFact //Wouldn't if gvnmnt quit taxing so much
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @mathewi: wow -- RT @Reuters_TopNews: WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize
RT @CSMlibrary: Cairo book fair-largest,oldest in Arab world-derailed by unrest CSMChapter&Verse #Egypt #books
How did the telephones get married? In a double ring ceremony.
RT @Drudge_Report: CNN Anderson Cooper 'punched 10 times in head' by mob in Egypt....
RT @Angie_Harmon: I start reading the det jane rizzoli books again today by tess gerritsen... look out world! Rizz is raising her head!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

RT @csmonitor: Monster winter storm: five ways to stay safe and prepared
RT @jimmyfallon: Your name should be "Online Gambling," because I find you highly addictive. #worstpickuplines
RT @csmonitor: Bed bug summit: solution to infestations 'not rocket science'
RT @WTHRcom: 1100 Duke customers w/o power in Monroe County. Nearly 11,000 statewide. @csmonitor
RT @WTHRcom: Internet runs out of 'phone numbers' for websites: The Internet is running out of the numerical add...
RT @foxnation: Michelle Obama Hails 'Great Barbecue' in N.C.....Not Really Known As Diet Food...
RT @CSMlibrary: conducting research on snow & ice removal, as well as lost productivity due to inclement weather
RT @PaulPoteet: Ice Storm Warning Statement for #indy & #Indiana:
RT @darleneschacht: RT @a_steady_rain: RT @GatherInspirit: Marriage, parenting, & housekeeping link up! @DarleneSchacht
RT @Drudge_Report: REPORT: U.S. 'held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood'...
RT @darleneschacht: A"Reshaping it All"by CandaceCameronBure,book giveaway!! Don't miss this one!! @candacecbure
RT @foxnewspolitics: Source confirms President Obama has asked Hosni Mubarak not to run for re-election
RT @darleneschacht: If u missed @candacecbure on"The Today Show"this AM,watch:
Clutch necessities? Bobby pins, 2 oz hairspray, lipstick and safety pins. Good to go.
RT @givethemgrace: Praying the grace we've been given will bud&flower in2grace-filled joyous children who r dazzled byGod's great love4them
FWD: desiringgod: Prayer is the thing that differentiates us from the rest of the world. Our God listens to us. - Chan #dgpascon
RT @Drudge_Report: Katrina-sized cyclone bears down on Australia...
RT @desiringgod: What would a transcript of your prayers over the last few weeks look like? How does it compare to Ps. 27:4? -Chan #dgpascon
RT @slavetobeauty: Feather extensions have hit the scene!Check out &watch how2do it urself!
RT @iTweetFact: Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it. #iTweetFact
E! News
Miranda Lambert scores a leading seven nods from ACM Awards; Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney also up
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: A belief challenged and questioned is a belief bettered, strengthened, or discarded.
RT @desiringgod: Paul Miller: 90% of Christians have little to no functional conversation with their heavenly Father. #dgpascon
RT @desiringgod: Paul Miller:When you realize you can't do anything on your own, you will get excited about having a praying life. #dgpascon
RT @womensweardaily: MarkBadgley&JamesMischka are set to debut their Mark + James handbags,retailing from $150 to $300:
RT @Paula_Deen: Register now to win a set of Paula Deen Robin's Egg Blue Stoneware!
RT @peoplemag: Bret Michaels Has Health Scare After Heart Surgery
RT @peoplemag: Christina Applegate Has a Baby Girl
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day!The moment u find urself thinking u know it all... is the moment u'll realize u don't know much @ all!Stay humble!
RT @Drudge_Report: Muslim Brotherhood: 'Prepare for war with Israel'...
Okay so my 2 year old keeps kearing the ice hit the window and sitting up in bed and saying, "What the heck was that?". So funny!

Monday, January 31, 2011

RT @WTHRcom: Trees pose danger when ice storm hits: Ice formed on the backs of cars, glazed the sidewalks and tu...
RT @PaulPoteet: RT @barbaraepperson: @PaulPoteet Might be easier to post school openings.
RT @fredthompson: Obama:angry b/c GOPsaysOcare"job-crushing,granny-threatening,budget-bustingMonstrosity" UpsetB/cThey4gotUnconstitutional?
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @TIME: What beer most represents your state? | (via @TIMENewsFeed)
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @THR: Stephen King's 'The Stand' Heading to the Big Screen (Exclusive)
RT @csmonitor: White House vows to implement health care reform, despite judge's ruling
RT @Indstatepolice: Snow,ice&slick roads.B cautious when driving.Don't travel if u don't have 2.Slow down&move over4police&snow plows.
Madison-Grant schools closed tomorrow already and nothing about Marion!
RT @ WrightWTHR: Was in my car looking4my ice scraper when realized it was@home.The good news is found the JohnnyCashCD I lost this summer.
RT @Drudge_Report: 11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty...
RT @Drudge_Report: US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide...
RT @foxnation: Federal Judge Uses Obama's Own Health Care Words Against Him
RT @brad_s_johnson: Tho finances r lean,must remember saving a few pennies on single ply Wax-feeling toilet paper ain't the way2save. :-))
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @ELLEmagazine: For the curly-haired: 4 hot hairstyles from the spring runways (via ELLEgirl)
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @HSPR: Who likes stew? Here are 5 Healthy Stew Recipes to Warm Up With via @popsugar #food
RT @fredthompson: DemSenSchumer:branches of govt are "House,Senate&President".Could've been worse.@least he didn't say "Larry, Curly&Moe".
RT @fredthompson: WHpartySat,GuestsIncludeMembersOfPress.MightExplainWhyObamaGets those tough interview questions like "who's your caterer?"
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana House OKs smoking ban with bars exempted: The Indiana House has approved a statewide smokin...
RT @Indstatepolice: Winter weather has started. Slow down 2 stay safe!Call ahead & don't travel if u don't have 2. Be safe always!Patience!
RT @womensweardaily: EmergingAs1of Pre-Fall'sTrends,SomeOfTheSeason'sBestAccessories r awash in an assortment of pinks:
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @tntweknowdrama: Watch the next two episodes of Rizzoli & Isles in our re-broadcasting of season one at 10/9c.
RT @WFMS: Here's to hoping Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see his shadow this year :)
RT @WrightWTHR: The weight of the ice and snow on trees and powerlines combined with 35 mph winds will increase the danger of power outages.
RT @Drudge_Report: VIDEO: Thousands of sharks spotted off Palm Beach...
RT @WTHRcom: Preparing for a winter storm: Find out what you can do to prepare, and also see a list of emergency...
RT @Paula_Deen: Give your dinner a tropical flare with our Bahamas inspired recipes:
RT @CBSTweet: The Lost Valentine attracts 14.5 million viewers,the most for a Hallmark Hall of Fame in four years
RT @Drudge_Report: Israel shocked by Obama's 'betrayal' of Mubarak...
Fox News Breaking News: Florida judge rules health care law is unconstitutional.
RT @Drudge_Report: Kid fined $637 for swearing inschool...
RT @Drudge_Report: African country set to make breaking wind -- a crime...
RT @timbofowler: The fat lady has been fired. It ain't over 'til GOD says it is. If you're knocked down, get up again & fight! U R not out!
RT @brad_s_johnson: You've been given a new day,a fresh start. Refuse to let yesterday or tomorrow steal from you God's good plans for TODAY
RT @FullTimeMom: Just finished a great bible study on Chap 1 of Ruth looking forward to Chap 2 next Monday
@da ...
RT @foxnation: CNN Anchor Praises Muslim Brotherhood
RT @Indstatepolice: Ice&snow headed ur way?Drive w/caution.Ice&snow don't care if u have 4-wheel drive.Slow down, don't tailgate, be safe.
RT @foxnation: Science Czar: Republicans Need 'Education'
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day! Its up 2 u! B ur best or settle 4 less-its up 2 u! Talk about it or b about it! U know what 2 do- its all up 2 u!
RT @driverminnie: Why does everyone keep saying happy 41st ? I am CLEARLY not a day over 29.
RT @Dallas Heflin Riddle: If you choke a Smurf what color will it turn?
RT @csmonitor: China censors coverage of Egypt protests on the web
Foreigner's I've Been Waiting is on the radio... whew... song made me weak in the knees when I was a kid and it still does...
RT @givethemgrace: Am I Reminding or Remembering?
RT @PaulPoteet: Ounce per inch. RT @bwohlgemuth: @PaulPoteet so the big question is....what is the proper protocol 4 bourbon & snowmageddon?
I don't get tv channels.Harry's Law,on@10,is more family appropriate thanThe Cape,on@9.Seems they should switch time slots.What do I know.
RT @NBCHarrysLaw: New #HarrysLaw TONIGHT at 10/9c on @NBC. Get ready for the show with this preview clip:
Love, Love, Loving the great sunshine today! So cold, but I may just have to suck it up and get out there and bask in some sunlight!
RT @MaxLucado: Going2feed the hungry?Bathe ur mission in prayer.Weary of a world of racism &division?So is God.He would love2talk2u about it
RT @PatriciaHeaton: "All men should strive to learn before they die,what they are running from,and to,and why." James Thurber Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

RT @WTHRcom: Portman, Bale Leo win Screen Actors Guild prizes: Natalie Portman has won the best-actress honor at...
RT @WrightWTHR: A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain develops by Monday evening. The heaviest snow will fall from Lafayette to Marion.
RT @moonfrye: I totally lost my voice. My husband said it's gods way of telling me to be quiet. Hmm
Yay! Betty White won for funniest woman for Hot In Cleveland! #SAGAwards
OMG! Tina Fey's red dress is absolutely stunning! #SAGAwards
Helena Bonham Carter actually looks beautiful in her black &white! And Natalie Portman looks stunning in the white Fendi! #SAGAwards
Am so loving Mariska Hargitay's purple dress and Juliana Margolis' red dress and Kyra Sedgewick's black dress!! #SAGAwards
Go Steve Buscemi! SAG Award!
Watching #SAGAwards red carpet on E! Fave so far Mila Kunis!
RT @leannrimes: Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
Elsa Maxwell, September 28, 1958
RT @iTweetFact: Every year, 14 bugs find their way into your mouth while you sleep. And yes, you do swallow most of them.
RT @iTweetFact: Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make a person happy. This same chemical is also found in Prozac.
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
RT @MaxLucado: Satan tries2keep us from prayer.He tries2position himself beetween us&God.But he scampers like a spooked dog when we pray.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

RT @desiringgod: "If you want your faith to last you, give attention to the Word of God every day."
RT @PastorTullian: RatherThanDefiningOurselvesByWhatWeMustDo & WhatWeCanAccomplish, WeAreDefinedByWhat Jesus HasDone & WhatHeHasAccomplished
RT @desiringgod: "Pride, at it's core, is the craving for the approval of other people."
RT @desiringgod: "Faith, at it's core, is a humble gladness in the God of grace."
RT @PastorTullian: U can't save urself by sayin no2riches(PovertyGospel)any more than u can save urself by sayin yes2riches-ProsperityGospel
RT @candacecbure: RT @darleneschacht: Don'tHideYourSin,BringItToGod.WhereSinAboundsGraceAboundsAllTheMore.YouCanBeSetFree...
RT @PastorTullian: "An encounter with grace inevitably leads to a life of justice." Tim Keller
RT @Drudge_Report: Girl, 4, dies of 'extreme alcohol poisoning'...
Too cute! We have big ol'candles lit around the house and Matty keeps going around saying, "Happy Birthday to you."
RT @foxnation: Looters Break into King Tut Museum & Destroy Artifacts
RT @CBSTweet: Happy Birthday to Tom Selleck of @BlueBloods_CBS !!!
RT @DailyKeller: RT @lecrae: "You don't realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have." Tim Keller #fb
RT @PaulPoteet: Thanx4REpoTWEETS @gwgandy @CS_indy @Garrettlawton @TrustHomesense @spicysweet84 @bobcrossjr @daisymae051479 @bsucards
RT @AdviceToWriters: The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness. CHRISTOPHER MORLEY #poetry #writing
RT @@gregoryarlt: Remember the good ol' days when a carb was in an engine and nobody worried about them unless they quit working?"
RT @MaxLucado: Satan isn't troubled when we go to church.But his knobby knees tremble when we pray.

Friday, January 28, 2011

RT @PaulPoteet: FREE advertising4your biz, large or small. Deadline is Feb. 15. Paul & Tom's Stimulus plan revealed here:
RT @csmonitor: Egypt unrest: How do you shut down Internet service in an entire country?
RT @ihatequotes: Get involved in life, and let go of the past. Time doesn't heal wounds, what you do with your time does! MOVE!
RT @foxnation: Obama Makes Egypt About Himself: 'When I was in Cairo Shortly After I was Elected President, I Said...'
RT @Drudge_Report: Mother Kills 2 Kids For Being 'Mouthy'...
Charlie Sheen voluntarily enters rehab today; CBS puts "Two and a Half Men" on production hiatus
Now thru Super Bowl XLV all Large Pizzas, including Specialties, just $10 at participating Papa Johns. Order now -
RT @WTHRcom: Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library opens in Indianapolis: The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library will open ...
RT @Paula_Deen: 3 tips & 7 recipes to create budget-friendly meals:
Charlotte Russe: Happy Hour Alert! All Boots & Booties are $15(reg. $28-$60),4-5pm only(in-store: local time; online: Eastern)this Sat, 1/29
RT @givethemgrace: The good news of God's grace is meant2permeate&transform every relationship we have,including the one with our children.
RT @brad_s_johnson: GodKnowsWhat I'mGonna say,hears me when I say it.So,2day,I determine all my words will b loving,healing,helpful&truthful
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-TheHighRoadIsHigh&SometimesOutOfReach.ThoughManyWon'tTry,TheRideIsMuchSmootherIf u MakeAnEffort2GetThere.
RT @leegunter: #EGYPT: pay attention. Get informed. Be angry. Pray.
RT @Drudge_Report: White House responds -- by TWITTER tweet...
RT @NBCHarrysLaw: RT @genesimmons Kathy Bates is terrific in NBC's HARRY'S LAW... I'm a fan.
RT @leegunter: RT @edsetiadi:"EgyptianChristiansSaidTheyWillGuardTheMuslimsFromThePoliceWhileTheyonFridayPray." Amazing solidarity. #Eg ...
RT @foxnewspolitics: Sen. Paul Calls for Cutting U.S. Aid to Israel
FWD: womensweardaily: 1stQuarterReportCardsAreIn:Vogue&PeopleStyleWatchSawIncreasesInAdPages,WhileLucky,SelfSawDeclines
RT @Drudge_Report: Chocolate drought? World's supply of sustainable cocoa could run out by 2014...
RT @csmonitor: 1986:President insists space program go forward,delaysState ofUnion address-A look back @ the...
RT @JasonRitter: My gum has lost all of its flavor, but I want to see what happens if I keep chewing it anyway. Just as an ex-spearmint.
RT @MalariaFighter: @CSMlibrary @annfinster @daisymae051479 @moonbootica thank you you deserve it! #FF
RT @PastorTullian: RT @mattboswell: We judge one another by past failures. God judges us on the perfect work of Christ.
RT @slavetobeauty: Gonna bare ur shoulders on vday?Mix loose shimmer powder in ur lotion2get red carpet glow your legs, arms,& collarbone!
RT @WTHRCrew: InSchool2. RT @JennieWTHR: Solemn anniversary of #Challenger disaster.Vivid memory of day4me in school.Remember where u were?
RT @foxnation: Congressman Calls Obama a Socialist, Refuses to Back Down (WATCH)
RT @foxnation: Muslims Issue Warning to Christians: Convert or Face Death
RT @PastorTullian: God's infinite happiness w/us motivates our obedience2him; our obedience2him doesn't motivate His infinite happiness w/us
RT @CSMlibrary: #FollowFriday Grattude2Friends @annfinster @daisymae051479 @MalariaFighter @moonbootica 4CaringSoMuchAboutWorldNews&TCSM #ff
RT @MaxLucado: We struggle w/prayer.We4get2pray,our prayers r hurried.Praying that this is the day prayer becomes a priority4all of us.
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @timelines: Today in #literature, 1813: Jane Austen published "Pride and Prejudice" #London

Thursday, January 27, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: 5 Dem lawmakers in Hawaii want release of Obama birth info...
RT @fredthompson: 700 groups now haveObamacare waivers.Ok,new rule.Automatic repeal4any law w/more waivers than WashNats starting lineup.
RT @jayleno: RT @NBCHarrysLaw: The legendary Kathy Bates will be on @JayLeno tonight to talk #HarrysLaw. Check your local listings...
RT @foxnation: Danny Glover on Tucson Shooter: Conservatives 'Drove Him to that Act' (VIDEO)
RT @PastorTullian: I keep meeting non-Christians whose primary turn-off is not the unrighteousness of believers but their self-righteousness
RT @rascalflatts: Someone is counting on U this very moment. @RedCross has urgent need 4 blood donors. Visit
RT @foxnation: President of United States Tells Schools to Stop Serving 'Tater Tots'
RT @JasonRitter: You know who I celebrate every Mother's Day? (The answer should be apparent.)
RT @givethemgrace: InsteadOfSharingTheGloriousLiberating&Life-ChangingTruthsOfTheGospel,We'veTaughtOurChildrenThatWhatGodWantsIsMorality
RT @CSMlibrary: Blue cheese&bacon tartine:drizzled w/honey&black pepper-a rustic open-face sandwich.(Goes well w/ snow)
Be a daring dresser. Add vibrant red shoes and a fur vest with your best black dress.
RT @Drudge_Report: USNEWS: 'Obama's State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism'...
RT @greglaurie: Jesus said, "What you say flows from what is in your heart" (Luke 6:45).What is your heart filled with?
RT @csmonitor: Why most Americans are both liberal and conservative
RT @MaxLucado: Prayer impacts the flow of history.God has wired his world for power, but he calls on us to flip the switch.
RT @nytimes: Read & save the F.P.S. directive that says the public can photograph federal buildings from public spaces