Monday, January 31, 2011

RT @WTHRcom: Trees pose danger when ice storm hits: Ice formed on the backs of cars, glazed the sidewalks and tu...
RT @PaulPoteet: RT @barbaraepperson: @PaulPoteet Might be easier to post school openings.
RT @fredthompson: Obama:angry b/c GOPsaysOcare"job-crushing,granny-threatening,budget-bustingMonstrosity" UpsetB/cThey4gotUnconstitutional?
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @TIME: What beer most represents your state? | (via @TIMENewsFeed)
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @THR: Stephen King's 'The Stand' Heading to the Big Screen (Exclusive)
RT @csmonitor: White House vows to implement health care reform, despite judge's ruling
RT @Indstatepolice: Snow,ice&slick roads.B cautious when driving.Don't travel if u don't have 2.Slow down&move over4police&snow plows.
Madison-Grant schools closed tomorrow already and nothing about Marion!
RT @ WrightWTHR: Was in my car looking4my ice scraper when realized it was@home.The good news is found the JohnnyCashCD I lost this summer.
RT @Drudge_Report: 11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty...
RT @Drudge_Report: US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide...
RT @foxnation: Federal Judge Uses Obama's Own Health Care Words Against Him
RT @brad_s_johnson: Tho finances r lean,must remember saving a few pennies on single ply Wax-feeling toilet paper ain't the way2save. :-))
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @ELLEmagazine: For the curly-haired: 4 hot hairstyles from the spring runways (via ELLEgirl)
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @HSPR: Who likes stew? Here are 5 Healthy Stew Recipes to Warm Up With via @popsugar #food
RT @fredthompson: DemSenSchumer:branches of govt are "House,Senate&President".Could've been worse.@least he didn't say "Larry, Curly&Moe".
RT @fredthompson: WHpartySat,GuestsIncludeMembersOfPress.MightExplainWhyObamaGets those tough interview questions like "who's your caterer?"
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana House OKs smoking ban with bars exempted: The Indiana House has approved a statewide smokin...
RT @Indstatepolice: Winter weather has started. Slow down 2 stay safe!Call ahead & don't travel if u don't have 2. Be safe always!Patience!
RT @womensweardaily: EmergingAs1of Pre-Fall'sTrends,SomeOfTheSeason'sBestAccessories r awash in an assortment of pinks:
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @tntweknowdrama: Watch the next two episodes of Rizzoli & Isles in our re-broadcasting of season one at 10/9c.
RT @WFMS: Here's to hoping Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see his shadow this year :)
RT @WrightWTHR: The weight of the ice and snow on trees and powerlines combined with 35 mph winds will increase the danger of power outages.
RT @Drudge_Report: VIDEO: Thousands of sharks spotted off Palm Beach...
RT @WTHRcom: Preparing for a winter storm: Find out what you can do to prepare, and also see a list of emergency...
RT @Paula_Deen: Give your dinner a tropical flare with our Bahamas inspired recipes:
RT @CBSTweet: The Lost Valentine attracts 14.5 million viewers,the most for a Hallmark Hall of Fame in four years
RT @Drudge_Report: Israel shocked by Obama's 'betrayal' of Mubarak...
Fox News Breaking News: Florida judge rules health care law is unconstitutional.
RT @Drudge_Report: Kid fined $637 for swearing inschool...
RT @Drudge_Report: African country set to make breaking wind -- a crime...
RT @timbofowler: The fat lady has been fired. It ain't over 'til GOD says it is. If you're knocked down, get up again & fight! U R not out!
RT @brad_s_johnson: You've been given a new day,a fresh start. Refuse to let yesterday or tomorrow steal from you God's good plans for TODAY
RT @FullTimeMom: Just finished a great bible study on Chap 1 of Ruth looking forward to Chap 2 next Monday
@da ...
RT @foxnation: CNN Anchor Praises Muslim Brotherhood
RT @Indstatepolice: Ice&snow headed ur way?Drive w/caution.Ice&snow don't care if u have 4-wheel drive.Slow down, don't tailgate, be safe.
RT @foxnation: Science Czar: Republicans Need 'Education'
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day! Its up 2 u! B ur best or settle 4 less-its up 2 u! Talk about it or b about it! U know what 2 do- its all up 2 u!
RT @driverminnie: Why does everyone keep saying happy 41st ? I am CLEARLY not a day over 29.
RT @Dallas Heflin Riddle: If you choke a Smurf what color will it turn?
RT @csmonitor: China censors coverage of Egypt protests on the web
Foreigner's I've Been Waiting is on the radio... whew... song made me weak in the knees when I was a kid and it still does...
RT @givethemgrace: Am I Reminding or Remembering?
RT @PaulPoteet: Ounce per inch. RT @bwohlgemuth: @PaulPoteet so the big question is....what is the proper protocol 4 bourbon & snowmageddon?
I don't get tv channels.Harry's Law,on@10,is more family appropriate thanThe Cape,on@9.Seems they should switch time slots.What do I know.
RT @NBCHarrysLaw: New #HarrysLaw TONIGHT at 10/9c on @NBC. Get ready for the show with this preview clip:
Love, Love, Loving the great sunshine today! So cold, but I may just have to suck it up and get out there and bask in some sunlight!
RT @MaxLucado: Going2feed the hungry?Bathe ur mission in prayer.Weary of a world of racism &division?So is God.He would love2talk2u about it
RT @PatriciaHeaton: "All men should strive to learn before they die,what they are running from,and to,and why." James Thurber Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

RT @WTHRcom: Portman, Bale Leo win Screen Actors Guild prizes: Natalie Portman has won the best-actress honor at...
RT @WrightWTHR: A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain develops by Monday evening. The heaviest snow will fall from Lafayette to Marion.
RT @moonfrye: I totally lost my voice. My husband said it's gods way of telling me to be quiet. Hmm
Yay! Betty White won for funniest woman for Hot In Cleveland! #SAGAwards
OMG! Tina Fey's red dress is absolutely stunning! #SAGAwards
Helena Bonham Carter actually looks beautiful in her black &white! And Natalie Portman looks stunning in the white Fendi! #SAGAwards
Am so loving Mariska Hargitay's purple dress and Juliana Margolis' red dress and Kyra Sedgewick's black dress!! #SAGAwards
Go Steve Buscemi! SAG Award!
Watching #SAGAwards red carpet on E! Fave so far Mila Kunis!
RT @leannrimes: Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
Elsa Maxwell, September 28, 1958
RT @iTweetFact: Every year, 14 bugs find their way into your mouth while you sleep. And yes, you do swallow most of them.
RT @iTweetFact: Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make a person happy. This same chemical is also found in Prozac.
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
RT @MaxLucado: Satan tries2keep us from prayer.He tries2position himself beetween us&God.But he scampers like a spooked dog when we pray.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

RT @desiringgod: "If you want your faith to last you, give attention to the Word of God every day."
RT @PastorTullian: RatherThanDefiningOurselvesByWhatWeMustDo & WhatWeCanAccomplish, WeAreDefinedByWhat Jesus HasDone & WhatHeHasAccomplished
RT @desiringgod: "Pride, at it's core, is the craving for the approval of other people."
RT @desiringgod: "Faith, at it's core, is a humble gladness in the God of grace."
RT @PastorTullian: U can't save urself by sayin no2riches(PovertyGospel)any more than u can save urself by sayin yes2riches-ProsperityGospel
RT @candacecbure: RT @darleneschacht: Don'tHideYourSin,BringItToGod.WhereSinAboundsGraceAboundsAllTheMore.YouCanBeSetFree...
RT @PastorTullian: "An encounter with grace inevitably leads to a life of justice." Tim Keller
RT @Drudge_Report: Girl, 4, dies of 'extreme alcohol poisoning'...
Too cute! We have big ol'candles lit around the house and Matty keeps going around saying, "Happy Birthday to you."
RT @foxnation: Looters Break into King Tut Museum & Destroy Artifacts
RT @CBSTweet: Happy Birthday to Tom Selleck of @BlueBloods_CBS !!!
RT @DailyKeller: RT @lecrae: "You don't realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have." Tim Keller #fb
RT @PaulPoteet: Thanx4REpoTWEETS @gwgandy @CS_indy @Garrettlawton @TrustHomesense @spicysweet84 @bobcrossjr @daisymae051479 @bsucards
RT @AdviceToWriters: The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness. CHRISTOPHER MORLEY #poetry #writing
RT @@gregoryarlt: Remember the good ol' days when a carb was in an engine and nobody worried about them unless they quit working?"
RT @MaxLucado: Satan isn't troubled when we go to church.But his knobby knees tremble when we pray.

Friday, January 28, 2011

RT @PaulPoteet: FREE advertising4your biz, large or small. Deadline is Feb. 15. Paul & Tom's Stimulus plan revealed here:
RT @csmonitor: Egypt unrest: How do you shut down Internet service in an entire country?
RT @ihatequotes: Get involved in life, and let go of the past. Time doesn't heal wounds, what you do with your time does! MOVE!
RT @foxnation: Obama Makes Egypt About Himself: 'When I was in Cairo Shortly After I was Elected President, I Said...'
RT @Drudge_Report: Mother Kills 2 Kids For Being 'Mouthy'...
Charlie Sheen voluntarily enters rehab today; CBS puts "Two and a Half Men" on production hiatus
Now thru Super Bowl XLV all Large Pizzas, including Specialties, just $10 at participating Papa Johns. Order now -
RT @WTHRcom: Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library opens in Indianapolis: The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library will open ...
RT @Paula_Deen: 3 tips & 7 recipes to create budget-friendly meals:
Charlotte Russe: Happy Hour Alert! All Boots & Booties are $15(reg. $28-$60),4-5pm only(in-store: local time; online: Eastern)this Sat, 1/29
RT @givethemgrace: The good news of God's grace is meant2permeate&transform every relationship we have,including the one with our children.
RT @brad_s_johnson: GodKnowsWhat I'mGonna say,hears me when I say it.So,2day,I determine all my words will b loving,healing,helpful&truthful
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-TheHighRoadIsHigh&SometimesOutOfReach.ThoughManyWon'tTry,TheRideIsMuchSmootherIf u MakeAnEffort2GetThere.
RT @leegunter: #EGYPT: pay attention. Get informed. Be angry. Pray.
RT @Drudge_Report: White House responds -- by TWITTER tweet...
RT @NBCHarrysLaw: RT @genesimmons Kathy Bates is terrific in NBC's HARRY'S LAW... I'm a fan.
RT @leegunter: RT @edsetiadi:"EgyptianChristiansSaidTheyWillGuardTheMuslimsFromThePoliceWhileTheyonFridayPray." Amazing solidarity. #Eg ...
RT @foxnewspolitics: Sen. Paul Calls for Cutting U.S. Aid to Israel
FWD: womensweardaily: 1stQuarterReportCardsAreIn:Vogue&PeopleStyleWatchSawIncreasesInAdPages,WhileLucky,SelfSawDeclines
RT @Drudge_Report: Chocolate drought? World's supply of sustainable cocoa could run out by 2014...
RT @csmonitor: 1986:President insists space program go forward,delaysState ofUnion address-A look back @ the...
RT @JasonRitter: My gum has lost all of its flavor, but I want to see what happens if I keep chewing it anyway. Just as an ex-spearmint.
RT @MalariaFighter: @CSMlibrary @annfinster @daisymae051479 @moonbootica thank you you deserve it! #FF
RT @PastorTullian: RT @mattboswell: We judge one another by past failures. God judges us on the perfect work of Christ.
RT @slavetobeauty: Gonna bare ur shoulders on vday?Mix loose shimmer powder in ur lotion2get red carpet glow your legs, arms,& collarbone!
RT @WTHRCrew: InSchool2. RT @JennieWTHR: Solemn anniversary of #Challenger disaster.Vivid memory of day4me in school.Remember where u were?
RT @foxnation: Congressman Calls Obama a Socialist, Refuses to Back Down (WATCH)
RT @foxnation: Muslims Issue Warning to Christians: Convert or Face Death
RT @PastorTullian: God's infinite happiness w/us motivates our obedience2him; our obedience2him doesn't motivate His infinite happiness w/us
RT @CSMlibrary: #FollowFriday Grattude2Friends @annfinster @daisymae051479 @MalariaFighter @moonbootica 4CaringSoMuchAboutWorldNews&TCSM #ff
RT @MaxLucado: We struggle w/prayer.We4get2pray,our prayers r hurried.Praying that this is the day prayer becomes a priority4all of us.
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @timelines: Today in #literature, 1813: Jane Austen published "Pride and Prejudice" #London

Thursday, January 27, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: 5 Dem lawmakers in Hawaii want release of Obama birth info...
RT @fredthompson: 700 groups now haveObamacare waivers.Ok,new rule.Automatic repeal4any law w/more waivers than WashNats starting lineup.
RT @jayleno: RT @NBCHarrysLaw: The legendary Kathy Bates will be on @JayLeno tonight to talk #HarrysLaw. Check your local listings...
RT @foxnation: Danny Glover on Tucson Shooter: Conservatives 'Drove Him to that Act' (VIDEO)
RT @PastorTullian: I keep meeting non-Christians whose primary turn-off is not the unrighteousness of believers but their self-righteousness
RT @rascalflatts: Someone is counting on U this very moment. @RedCross has urgent need 4 blood donors. Visit
RT @foxnation: President of United States Tells Schools to Stop Serving 'Tater Tots'
RT @JasonRitter: You know who I celebrate every Mother's Day? (The answer should be apparent.)
RT @givethemgrace: InsteadOfSharingTheGloriousLiberating&Life-ChangingTruthsOfTheGospel,We'veTaughtOurChildrenThatWhatGodWantsIsMorality
RT @CSMlibrary: Blue cheese&bacon tartine:drizzled w/honey&black pepper-a rustic open-face sandwich.(Goes well w/ snow)
Be a daring dresser. Add vibrant red shoes and a fur vest with your best black dress.
RT @Drudge_Report: USNEWS: 'Obama's State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism'...
RT @greglaurie: Jesus said, "What you say flows from what is in your heart" (Luke 6:45).What is your heart filled with?
RT @csmonitor: Why most Americans are both liberal and conservative
RT @MaxLucado: Prayer impacts the flow of history.God has wired his world for power, but he calls on us to flip the switch.
RT @nytimes: Read & save the F.P.S. directive that says the public can photograph federal buildings from public spaces
RT @foxnation: Palin: Obama's State of Union Full of 'WTF' Moments (WATCH)
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-Be u! Do u! Know u! Respect u! Learn u! Celebrate u! If u r not u then who will be u? Love u so we all can 2!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RT @Drudge_Report: Pelosi Logged 43 Flights Covering 90,155 Miles with Air Force Aircraft in 2010...
Aaaahhhhhh! Here we are again... Wednesday night & I don't know how to pick? #Law&OrderSVU or #BlueBloods or #Hot In Cleveland????????
RT @DailyKeller: Nobody has a better motivation to be playful than people who know that God made the earth and made it good.
RT @csmonitor: NASA announcement: Hubble telescope detects oldest, most distant galaxy yet
RT @MaxLucado: Do u Know a DiscardedPerson?TossedOutBySociety,Family,Church?OurChoice:LabelOrLoveThem?WeKnowJesus'Choice.Let'sDoTheSame.
RT @PatriciaHeaton: WhateverIsTrue,Honorable,Just,Pure,Lovely,Gracious,ExcellentOrWorthyOfPraise-ThinkAboutTheseThings.Phil/twit-style!
RT @givethemgrace: Grace,OrTheFreeFavorThatHasBeenLavishedOnUsThruChrist,Ought2MakeOurParentingRadicallyDifferentFromWhatUnbelieversDo.
RT @givethemgrace: Our children need much less Veggie Tales and much more scandalous cross.
RT @brad_s_johnson: God's dreams4me r better&wiser than my dreams4me,&His speed is safer,better than how quickly I want2go. Keep trusting.
RT @annabethgish: RT @TreePeople_org: Don't b a sap! :)Dedicate a tree2your Valentine this Feb. #trees #valentinesday
RT @nytimes: Earl Wilson was simply on his way2work,when he found interesting #photo &his way on2the Times front page
RT @PastorTullian: Long-term,Gospel-motivatedObedienceCanOnlyComeFromTheGraceOfWhatJesus has already done, not the guilt of what we must do.
RT @foxnation: Friend Says Hawaii Gov Told Him There Is No Obama Birth Certificate
RT @IMKristenBell: The more you stare at your thumbs, the weirder they look.
RT @Drudge_Report: Insurance Company Drops Vet Over 2-Cent Shortage...
RT @CSMlibrary: Pimento cheese biscuits & tomato soup: southern US classics meet a childhood favorite. CSM Stir It Up!
RT @csmonitor: 4 perfect books for a road trip
RT @foxnation: AP: Obamacare Won't Hold Down Costs and you can't Keep your Plan
RT @fredthompson: Did you miss "Secretariat" in the theaters? It's out on DVD now:
RT @fredthompson: My new movie, "The Genesis Code," premieres in Iowa tonight. Trailer at the link:
RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: The road to resentment is paved with expectation.
RT @Drudge_Report: Woman mayor shows scars after surviving two assassination attempts by Mexican gangs...
RT @Drudge_Report: SHOCK CLAIM: Hawaii Gov. Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii...
This season's must have hair is about unapologetically thick bangs on any length do.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

RT @bettyfordalumni: AFFIRMATION: Be kind - everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle.
RT @bretmichaels: From Bret Michaels' Heart Surgery Successful

Monday, January 24, 2011

RT @PastorTullian: "Because Christ accomplished his mission, ours is a guaranteed success!" Horton
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @Rachel_Roy: "I don't regret the painful times; I bare my scars as if they were medals." - @paulocoelho
RT @TheBibleDay: I will give you peace and quietness.
RT @IMKristenBell: I don't remember asking4the bacon smell2Bleft in my car after the wash2day,but then again,I don't rememberNOTasking4it.
RT @iTweetFact: Between 10-12% of women in the U.S. have never experience an orgasm, including Marilyn Monroe the Sex symbol. #iTweetFact
RT @iTweetFact: By the time a person is 18, they would have spent 12,000 hrs in school, 14,000 hrs watching television.
RT @iTweetFact: People who have sex about 3 times a week are perceived to look 4-7 years younger.
RT @foxnewspolitics: U.S. Covers Millions in Legal Fees for Ex-Freddie, Fannie Executives
RT @csmonitor: The five coldest places on Earth
RT DonnieWahlberg: 2day-It is never2late2make a change.2change course, change direction or change ur mind.All ya gotta do is choose2change.
RT @givethemgrace: When we change the story of the Bible from the gospel of grace to a book of morals like Aesop's fables, things go wrong.
Style winter whites with equal amounts of black accents.Voila, a recip forsuccess.
RT @foxnewspolitics: Romney on pro-life marches: "I share their commitment to laws that protect the innocent and uphold a culture of life"
RT @womensweardaily: DesignersWentHeavyOnTheLuxeForPre-fallWithSequins,ShimmerAndStones.SeeThe"AllJeweledUp"TrendHere:
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @ProPublica: Congress to investigate why the Pentagon won't cover #brain injured troops for therapy
RT @BradPaisley: Nope.Never.Absolutely no way.Not once.Woops.Other than this. RT @michunte: @BradPaisley do you ever tweet your fans :)???
RT @bettyfordalumni: affirmation: Change is inevitable; growth is optional.
RT @PastorTullian: WeRnever closer2Christ than when we find ourselves lost in amazement ofHis unspeakable love-JohnOwen
RT @PastorTullian: "For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." James 2:13
RT @MaxLucado: God calls us2change the way we look@folks.Not2Cthem as insiders or outsiders,liberals or conservatives.2label is2libel.
RT @CSMWorldDesk: #IvoryCoast is the last country left with "blood diamonds" crossing its borders.
RT @givethemgrace: ForgettingAllWeKnowAboutTheDeadlinessOfRelyingOnOurOwnGoodness,WeTeachOurKidsThatChristianityIsAllAboutTheirBehavior.
RT @BradPaisley: & now2Bfair&balanced congrats2 Roauethelissbeurgurerre or however u say it,& thePittsburghSteelers.What a classic Superbowl
...In order that a man may be happy, it is necessary that he should not only be capable of his work, but a good judge of his work-JohnRuskin
RT @foxnation: Anti-American Song Played at State Dinner (VIDEO)
RT @womensweardaily: From the runway of Christian Dior's spring couture show in Paris.
RT @nytimes: NYT NEWS ALERT: Explosion Is Reported at a Moscow Airport

Sunday, January 23, 2011

RT @bretmichaels: Congratulations Pittsburgh Steelers and Steeler Nation!
RT @PastorTullian: "ItIs a BlowToOurSpiritualEgoToBeToldThatEverythingHasAlreadyBeenDone.YetThatIsTheGloryOfTheGospel."MikeHorton
RT @JessicaSimpson: Raji's touchdown dance was the cutest I've seen in a while! Shake whatcha momma gave ya!!!
RT @iTweetFact: Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches.
RT @iTweetFact: Staring at women's breasts can lengthen a man's life expectancy. -Study by Dr. Karen Weatherby #iTweetFact
RT @PaulPoteet: FREE P&T! Please RT this link for small businesses that would like to win a not-so-small ad package:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

RT @brad_s_johnson: We often expect others2confess&repentWAYmore than weRwilling2ourselves.Check urself. TopicTomrw-LifeChange10amCalabasas
RT @brad_s_johnson: Wishing each of you sleep as peacefully as my sweet dog. Check this out for motivation.
RT @Ali_Sweeney: Just heard: "if you're not in danger of poking out your eye you're not having fun."
Gettin ready to go blonde again... wish me luck!
RT @slavetobeauty: Valentine'sDayIsRightAroundTheCorner!StillScaredOfThatRedLip?InsteadOf a Lipstick,Try a StainOr a...
RT @DonnaBuice: People need your love the most when they appear to deserve it the least.
RT @brad_s_johnson: God will carry all your stuff today, and if necessary, He will also carry you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

RT @TheBibleDay: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence.
RT @therealzooeyd: SorryItunes"Genius,"ButThoseSongsDON'T go2getherWell,StopActingSoShockedWhen I TurnDownYourAdvice.I'll MakeMyOwnMixes.
RT @MarleeMatlin: RT @bettyfordalumni AFFIRMATION: The more I face my fears, the weaker they become
RT @WTHRcom: Dropping temps raises risk of frozen pipes: With temperatures dipping into the single digits, some ...
RT @ihatequotes: More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them. -Harold J. Smith
RT @ontheroadwith: ~ The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less
RT @Paula_Deen: Want more confidence with formal dining? Here's your guide to place settings:
Subway for dinner tonight! Can't wait!
RT @jayleno: Take a look at some real, but funny "Products for a Better You"
RT @fxnscitech: The end is near .... well, nearish. But dying star Betelgeuse prob. won't explode in 2012, experts say
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Don't just do it onTwitter! Do it@theMarket.On theStreet.Everyday.2anybody.It'sSimple.Just be a nice person2others.LOVE
RT @leannrimes: "It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to." - W.C. Fields
RT @leannrimes: "If at first you don't succeed, try-try again." -W.C. Fields
RT @ihatequotes: The biggest mistake is to think that it's too late to start something and not doing anything at all. -Suzanne Selfors
RT @womensweardaily: Apparently,QuintessentialAmericanaStops@MichelleObama'sClosetDoor&OscarDeLaRentaDoesNotApprove:
Every woman needs a bright white T-shirt to wear with an opulent skirt or jeans.
RT @womensweardaily: BalenciagaLooked2TheMountains4Fall-Winter,GivingItsMix-&-MatchCollection a Fifties-In-ChamonixVibe
RT @PastorTullian: "Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God." Martin Luther
RT @peoplemag: RT @CBBVips: Congrats to @IvankaTrump, who's expecting her first child!
RT @nytimes: Giffords Heads to Rehabilitation Facility
RT @Drudge_Report: Feds Probe Post-Flu Shot Seizures Among Kids...
RT @PastorTullian: If u spend ur time&energy criticizing others,u will bcome a slave2always having2b right. Only the gospel can set u free
RT @Drudge_Report: UPDATE: Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it...
RT @nytimes: Anthony Tommasini's Top 10 Greatest Composers Vote & See Others' Picks
RT @Paula_Deen: With @SmithfieldCSR about to deliver 80,000 pounds of protein to @mannafoodbank!
RT @PastorTullian: How a non-Christian becomes aChristian&the way we grow asChristians r actually the same:believing the gospel more&more.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day:Make a difference!Make a mark!Even if its as simple as making1person smile it matters!Spread love&love will spread!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dude, Leno cracks me up!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

RT @JasonRitter: Today a riot broke out at the Renaissance Fair! There was luting in the streets! I was surrounded by thieves and lyres!
RT @shervin: RT @larrymagid: Study: Young kids better with tech than 'life skills' via @cnet
RT @nytimes: Woman Abducted as Infant in 1987 Meets Family
RT @foxnation: Cavuto Catches Sheila Jackson Lee Faking Obamacare Repeal 'Victim' Live on Air
Okay it's ten... how am I supposed to choose between L&O SVU and Blue Bloods and Hot In Cleveland????? Oh how I wish I had a DVR!
RT @Drudge_Report: XLV: NFL to charge fans $200 -- to stand outside Super Bowl stadium...
RT @MaxLucado: 'Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, I am your sin. You took on what was mine; yet set on me what was yours. " (M. Luther)
RT @MellyJHart: How cool!Now I need to watch it 22nd time!RT @disneywords: The garbage man in Toy Story3 is Sid,the naughty boy n Toy Story1
RT @PastorTullian: The gospel frees you from the pressure to pretend that you're better than you are!
RT @Drudge_Report: Burglars snort man's ashes, thought it was cocaine...
RT @moonfrye: Nothing like being in an important meeting & having your underwire bra pop open in the front. Yep, that happened to me today!
RT @WTHRcom: Indiana's foster children face crisis: Right now there are 15,000 Hoosier children in need of foste...
RT @therealzooeyd: Who first decided to design sweatpants with giant letters on the butt? It's not exactly slimming.
RT @seanhannity: House just voted to repeal Obamacare 245 to 189 votes
RT @BradPaisley: Here's a song off the new record. Don't know how it sounds but it LOOKs fantastic.
RT @csmonitor: Osso buco (veal shanks) with gremolata
RT @foxnewspolitics: NFLplayersUnionSendsAthletes2CapitolHill2LobbyAgainstOwners,ClaimsUnfairLaborPractices(but not getting beaten up@work)
RT @foxnation: SICK: Democrat Exploits Tucson Massacre to Defend Obamacare (WATCH)
RT @Paula_Deen: It's not just my birthday, it's also National Popcorn Day! Here's 4 great recipes to celebrate!
RT @PastorTullian: The only way to teach people about the unconditional love of God is to love people unconditionally.
RT @brad_s_johnson: God did not create us just2enjoy a loving relationship w/Him.He also created us2enjoy loving relationships w/people.
RT @E! News
Anne Hathaway lands lead role as Catwoman in latest Batman flick, "The Dark Knight Rises"
RT @PastorTullian: DailyVictoryOverSinHappensAsWeContinuallyFightToRememberThatTheBattleHasAlreadyBeenWon...TheVictoryIsAlreadyOurs.
RT @PastorTullian: Christian, God's love for you and approval of you is not altered by your failures or enhanced by your successes.
RT @PastorTullian: "We are shocked at other people's sin because we have too high a view of ourselves." Steve Brown
RT @PastorTullian: Our tendency2focus on daily battle w/sin instead ofChrist's victory over sin is main reason we fail in daily battle w/sin
RT @womensweardaily: KarlLagerfeld will design3new aluminum bottles4DietCoke that willBavailable thruoutEurope inApril:
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Today-InTheDarkestMoments-BeHopeful!InTheBrightestMoments-Humble!WeDon'tControlWhat'sNext-WeDoControlHowWeHandleIt.
RT @MaxLucado: No one can do everything about the suffering and unfairness in our world, but everyone can do something.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RT @ZacharyLevi: You think Extra Virgin Olive Oil looks at Regular Olive Oil and says, "You slut"?
RT @Twilight: Kristen Stewart's recipe for Tortilla Soup!
RT @Drudge_Report: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate...
RT @csmonitor: MentorsOverMeanGirls-OurLatestPeopleMaking a DifferenceProfilesHaleyKilpatrick,FounderOfGirl...
RT @csmonitor: Want a Verizon iPhone, but stuck with something else? Here's $200.
RT @jimmyfallon: In college, I took a girl back to my dorm and made her play Super Mario Kart till she left. #worstdate
RT @Drudge_Report: 7 Million iPads, 16 Million iPhones Sold...
RT @brad_s_johnson: He cares for the birds. He certainly cares for you
RT @MaxLucado: Agree w/God's discipline."Turn@my rebuke-surely I will pour my spirit out upon u"(Pr1:23)His discipline-strong; love,stronger
RT @Drudge_Report: Actress loses $850,000 bracelet on GLOBES red carpet...
RT @brad_s_johnson: The moment I realize that hurting people hurt people,I'm able 2 feel compassion & cease having a desire 2 hurt them back
RT @foxnation: Obama Blasts 'Dumb' Regulations He Enacted
RT @csmonitor: Turkey meatballs in tomato sauce
RT @Paula_Deen: Now that your pantry is well stocked, how about some simple recipes to put it to use?
RT @shervin: RT @JohnUnwin: "People don't remember who the critics were" - Robert Redford
RT @foxnation: Michael Moore: People Own Guns 'Cause They're Racist (VIDEO)
RT @nytimes: Vatican Warned Bishops Not to Report Child Abuse
RT @womensweardaily: Maestro Armani turned out soft silhouettes, some body-conscious, others looser&more draped. #mfw
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @CatalystInc: Worth the weather: In Iceland, moms get 6 months of paid maternity leave--&dads get 3:
RT @nytimes: Diner's Journal: Oregon Pinot Noirs Come of Age
RT @foxnews: #BreakingNews A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hits Pakistan, according to the United States Geological Survey #Pakistan #earthquake
RT @Paula_Deen: If u have yet 2 make friends w/ ur kitchen, it's time 2 get acquainted. Here's how 2 stock ur pantry:
RT @Drudge_Report: German Police Pick up Drunken Owl...
RT @womensweardaily: InTheLatestFashionRehab,CelebritiesShouldAlwaysShineButTheseStarsTookTheMessageInTheWrongDirection
RT @jeweljk: The back lighting is killing me-& his head phones. trust me-this comb-over is a rare thing of beauty
RT @jeweljk: Epic comb-over in 3-F. Trying to get pic. Don't know if I'm that stealthy. Oh, who am I kidding- yes I am?! Stay tuned
RT @PastorTullian: Fifteen must read books on the gospel For Christians:
RT @EWDaltonRoss: My love for the term "wintry mix" is surpassed only by my hatred for an actual wintry mix.

Monday, January 17, 2011

RT @foxnation: AP Caught Pumping Obamacare Poll
Just watched Harry's Law and totally LOVED it!!!! Kathy Bates rocks!
RT @brad_s_johnson: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
RT @MarleeMatlin: If u can't fly then run,if u can't run then walk,if u can't walk then crawl,but whatever u do,keep moving forward.MLK Jr.
RT @JasonRitter: HowCan I EverProveThat I CanSpinAn Altoid OnItsSideMore times than anyone else? There should be a turn-a-mint or something.
RT @peoplemag: Happy birthday Betty White!!!
RT @slavetobeauty: Never let the recession stop u from feeling beautiful!Mix ur old lipstick shades 2gether2create customized colors just4U!
RT @SurvivorsNAbuse: There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being to help someone to succeed.
RT @MaxLucado: The difference between mercy and grace? Mercy gave the Prodigal Son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Life is... Not about fame, awards or trophies. Its about the journey, the relationships & the people. Remember that.
RT @moonfrye: Darkness cannot drive outDarkness;onlyLight can do that.Hate cannot drive outHate;onlyLove can do that.
RT @seanhannity: Words2Remember"... LiveIn a NationWhereTheyWillNotBeJudgedByThe color of their skin but by the content of their character."
RT @womensweardaily: FridaGiannini turn out refined,focused collection pack w/rich materials&signature equestrian dtls
RT @AliciaSilv: yams v. sweet potatoes
RT @csmonitor: 10 best adult books for teens
RT @Ali_Sweeney: Stretching Lessons

Sunday, January 16, 2011

RT @peoplemag: Christian Bale Holds Back Tears While Praising His Wife After Globe Win
RT @ralphmacchio: For the record. I am a BIG Peyton Manning fan! Just excited for my team.
RT @peoplemag: Check out the best dressed stars from the Golden Globes!
RT @TedNugent: KidRock krankin CatScratch at his 40th BdayBash is proud MotorCity Madhouse rock
RT @PastorTullian: The only people Jesus doesn't help are those who think they don't need any help.
RT @Kellie_Martin: Team Firth #goldenglobes
RT @foxnation: Eat Bugs, Not Meat, Say 'Global Warming Researchers'
RT @MaxLucado: Do good things.Just don't do them to be noticed.You can be too good for your own good, you know.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

RT @@frandrescher "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Confucius
RT @peoplemag: Kate Middleton has picked a wedding dress designer!
RT @bretmichaels: Check out these photos asBret led the"Terrible Towel" twirl @ HeinzField prior2kickoff
RT @PastorTullian: Christian, if u knew that no matter what ur sins were God still loved u, u'd b less enslaved2ur sin&more grateful4 Jesus!
RT @womensweardaily: For the finale at Burberry, a rain shower on the runway - and transparent rain hoodies. #mfw
RT @PastorTullian: RT @desiringgod: RobertMurrayM'Cheyne:"If I CouldHearChristPrayingForMeInTheNextRoom,IWouldNotFear a MillionEnemies."
RT @MaxLucado: Slay the desire to be noticed.Stir the desire to serve God.Don't make a theater production out of your faith.
RT @csmonitor: Sweet potato pie

Friday, January 14, 2011

RT @PaulPoteet: Learning2FBLove urself is the greatest love of all RT @ambboogie: y people "like" their own status messages onFBis beyond me
RT @PastorTullian: God does not dwell on your sin the way you do. Relax and rejoice.
RT @bretmichaels: Special auction - Bid to own Bret's personal 1969 Camaro!
RT @Drudge_Report: Woman, 85, misses final $484 house payment; banks charge her $5,800...
RT @oreillyfactor: Half of All States Now Suing to Stop Obamacare. Details:
RT @Drudge_Report: Mexican gunman fires across border toward U.S. highway workers...
RT @Drudge_Report: Houston stops couple's outreach to homeless; Must have 'feeding' permit...
RT @Drudge_Report: Sharks spotted swimming through flood-hit streets...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

RT @foxnation: No God at Tucson Memorial
RT @PastorTullian: LegalismSays,"PursueHolinessToMakeGodHappyWith u."TheGospelSays,"PursueHolinessBecauseGodIsHappyWith u." HUGE DIFFERENCE!
RT @foxnation: Disrespectful: Memorial Turns Into Campaign Rally in Tucson
RT @PastorTullian: "When we go to God, he accepts us no matter how dirty we are." Steve Brown
RT @csmonitor: 5 books coming out in 2011 that you absolutely have to read
RT @MaxLucado: Ask yourself,'If no one knew of the good I do, would I still do it?' If not, you're doing it to be seen by others.
RT @foxnewspolitics: Gibbs:WeHadPeopleDie"BecauseOfTheDerangedActionsOf a Madman;"TheActionsDoNotSpeakToTheNatureOfDemocracyOrU.S.Culture
RT @MaxLucado: RT @greglaurie: "Christianity has not been Tried and found Wanting.
It's been Found Difficult and NOT TRIED"- G.K.Chesterton
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: Titanic wreck being eaten by a superbug, will disappear in 20 years
RT @Drudge_Report: Some question pep rally atmosphere at Obama speech...
RT @Drudge_Report: RED SKY AT NIGHT: Sicily looks on as Mount Etna erupts...
RT @foxnewspolitics: Treasury Launches Debit Card Pilot for Tax Refunds
RT @Drudge_Report: Family charged 'death tax' for baby who lived one hour...
RT @WTHRcom: Daniels' budget cuts higher ed, Medicaid services: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is proposing a new st...
RT @PastorTullian: You turn mourning into dancing, you turn weeping into a joyful noise...O REJOICE!
RT @MellyJHart: AsMyKids r LandingInNY&I'mMissingThemLikeTheMoon,I'mUpdatingAllTheirInfo&PicsOn ToBeSafe! @instantamber
RT @Drudge_Report: Team Obama Hands Out T-Shirts at Memorial...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RT @bretmichaels: Bret Michaels Talks 2011 Ford Explorer, Horsepower With Sparkles & GlitterShoes
RT @PastorTullian: Fall in love with Jesus' work for you and you'll grow. Fall in love with your work for Jesus and you'll shrink.
RT @PastorTullian: Obsess over your sin and you'll become a neurotic narcissist. Obsess over your Savior and you'll become free.
RT @DailyKeller: Humility is only achieved as a byproduct of understanding, believing, and marveling in the gospel of grace.
RT @DonnieWahlberg: TheMediaMakesTheDudeWithTheGoldenVoice a HeroOvernightWithoutKnowingHisPast. ThenWhenTheyLearnHisPastTheyCrucifyHim...
RT @MellyJHart: "Having failed and being a failure are different!"-
RT @shervin: That's called 'feng shit' instead of feng shui "@arrington: calm, reserved, zenful bullshit is still bullshit."
RT @leegunter: My electric toothbrush vibrates in the same key that Aerosmith's "Dream On" is in. #wierdthingtonotice #fascinatingbutuseless
RT @oreillyfactor: Spike Lee Calls USA 'Most Violent Country in History of Civilization.' Details and Video:
RT @Drudge_Report: FLIGHT FIGHT: Arianna Huffington 'risked lives'...
RT @DonnieWahlberg: Today...StayUp-Don'tGiveUp!IfYourHeadsDownYouWon'tSeeWhat'sComingNext!AndWhat'sComingNextMayBeBetterThanWhat'sPast!
RT @PastorTullian: "God is eager to cast away our sins...He is not a reluctant forgiver."
RT @bretmichaels: Bret Michaels named Celebrity of the Year by FOX!
RT @PastorTullian: AnyApproachToHolinessThatStressesObedienceApartFromTheRichResourcesOfTheGospelEnslavesPeopleToPerformanceBasedReligion.
RT @Drudge_Report: Push to Make Global Currency...
RT @PastorTullian: When u live life believing that everything depends primarily on u, u become enslaved to your strengths and weaknesses.
RT @MaxLucado: Expect no credit for good deeds.If no one notices,don't be disappointed.If someone does,give the credit to God.
RT @WTHRcom: Prosecutor2ReinstateDUI-RelatedChargesAgainst #Bisard:
RT @brad_s_johnson: GenuinelyHumbled&BrokenPeopleGiveGraceEasily.ItRunsThruTheCrackedPlaces,RatherThanBeingWalledUpInside a ColdHeart
RT @Indstatepolice: Snow tires,ABS,or4X4won't make difference on road safety if driver's speed&attention aren't on driving safely.Slow down.
RT @Paula_Deen: Don't miss your chance to see me this Saturday in Indianapolis!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RT @WTHRDesk: The Blue Angels are scheduled to headline this year's Indianapoils Air Show. The show is May 13-15 at Mt. Comfort Airport.
RT @womensweardaily: Anna Wintour is said2Bamong crop of honorees2receive France's highest honor, the Legion d'Honneur.
RT @Drudge_Report: Hubble telescope zeroes in on green blob in space...
RT @slavetobeauty: "the way you treat others is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself"-Daniel Blaylock
RT @foxnews: RT @fxnscitech: It's out there and it's official: Verizon Finally Unveils iPhone
RT @Drudge_Report: Italian man shot in head sneezes out bullet and lives...
RT @bretmichaels: RT @COSTONDE: @bretmichaels TROPA rocka and kaluha....great mix. rocked my weekend at soaring eagle casino show
RT @brad_s_johnson: GodUsesUnlikelyPeople,InUnlikelyPlaces,AtUnlikelyTimes,InUnlikelyWaysToAccomplishHisPurposes.ThatIsVeryGoodNewsForMe!
RT @MaxLucado: To do a good thing is a good thing.To do good to be seen is not.
RT @CSMlibrary: Australia flooding: how the 'inland tsunami' happened - CSM #Australia #weather
RT @fredthompson: Passport application now says "parent 1/2" vs "mother/father". Still discriminating against homeless by asking for address
RT @foxnation: Chatty Huffington Escorted Off Jet by Authorities
RT @shedding_mf: RT @esprit15d: This video makes meVERYhappy:MeganFollows audition for Anne of Green Gables via @youtube
RT @brad_s_johnson: Dont let judgments of others occupy space in ur heart&mind whereGod's forgiveness shud dwell.C urself thru heaven's eyes
RT @nbcchuck: Do u have a kid on the way?Don't miss"Awesome's Expectant Fathers Guide"(Baby on Board sign not included)
RT @Drudge_Report: 6,000 year old wine press, oldest yet found...
RT @csmonitor: Carnegie, Rockefeller, Edison: How they succeeded
RT @Garcia_BAU 140characters or less?Has Twitter no respect 4the artistically verbose exposition of a cyber Goddess as myself #CriminalMinds
RT @slavetobeauty: Award season is here!A quick updo u can wear@ work:pull hair into low ponytail&loosely braid.Now twist&pin into messy bun
RT @PaulPoteet: Small talk RT @BeautifulMess81: @PaulPoteet You mean to tell me you cannot control the weather? WHAT DO THEY PAY YOU FOR!?
RT @Drudge_Report: Fermi telescope captures anti-matter streaming from thunderstorms on Earth...
RT @foxnews: #BreakingNews: Verizon Announces It Will Start Selling iPhones on Feb. 10 #iphone #verizon
RT @Indstatepolice: RememberToSlowDownInBadWeather.Don'tTravelUnlessItIsNecessary.BeAwareOfStoppedTrafficAhead.
RT @Paula_Deen: I know how y'all love giveaways, so how about a set of my new Robin Egg Blue Stoneware? Ends Feb 28!

Monday, January 10, 2011

RT @bretmichaels: The Pittsburgh Steelers Playoff Party Featuring Bret Michaels
RT @shervin: "Dammit I'm mad" is "Dammit I'm Mad" backwards. #mindblown
RT @brad_s_johnson: Attacks on Jesus were2get Him2doubt He was God's Son.Discouragement in ur life is2make u doubt u're His child. Be strong
RT @CBSTweet: Get ready for the Superbowl by voting for your favorite commercial at - voting is open NOW!
RT @PastorTullian: "Whenever Satan gets to Christians, 8 out of 10 times he does it through other Christians." J. Sidlow Baxter
RT @PastorTullian: WhatDoWeRequireFromOthersInOrderForThemToBeRightWithUsThatGodDoesNotRequireFromUsInOrderForUsToBeRightWithHim?
RT @JessicaSimpson: "The world needs dreamers & the world needs doers. But above all the world needs dreamers that do." Sarah Ban Breathnach
RT @fredthompson: NewNYClaw:no smoking on public sidewalks.Makes sense.Wouldn't want tobacco smoke polluting car exhaust coming off street
RT @fredthompson: Great job, Hillary, comparing a random lunatic to organized Islamic terrorists. #ftrs #tcot
RT @PastorTullian: God'sLove4Me&ApprovalOfMeDoesNotGetBigger when I obey r smaller when I disobey.This makes me want2obey him more,not less!
RT @CSMlibrary: Contractor felt compelled2helpHaiti-he's building hospital as charitable workPERSON MAKING A DIFFERENCE
RT @MaxLucado: CourageComesAsWeLiveW/Jesus.LingerLong&OftenInHis presence.MeditateOnHisGrace.Ponder HisLove.MemorizeHis words.Talk2Him.
RT @peoplemag: RT @StyleWatchMag: Natalie Portman flashes her engagement ring!
RT @TheBibleDay: My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. - Psalm 62:7 @TheBibleDay @SurvivorsNAbuse
RT @womensweardaily: FashionRehab:These celebs need2remember it's better2enjoy the entertainment than B entertainment:
RT @Drudge_Report: VIDEO: Father Of 9 Year Old Murder Victim Does Not Want More Restrictions Of Freedoms...
RT @brad_s_johnson: GodSeesTheFuture u CanHave&HeSeesWhat u CanBecome.Stop looking @ ur past&what u once were.See ur life thru heaven's eyes

Sunday, January 9, 2011

RT @jeweljk: I'm making out w some Taco Bell right now... And I'm not even drunk
RT @MaxLucado: There is more love in God's heart than there is sin in yours. Always.
RT @shervin: RT @KatieS: U hear about kids going 2 therapy b/c of their parents.Am I the 1st mom considering going 2 therapy b/c of my kids?
RT @BradPaisley: Put the whole dang Opryhouse in your phone:
RT @foxnation: Dems Urge Obama to Pin Shooting on Tea Partiers
RT @MellyJHart: WalkingAround DisneyAgainThisAM&MyHusbandAnnounced 2 the kids that he married a princess.Most romantic thing he's ever said!
RT @PaulPoteet: Snow From A Clear Sky?: I'm often asked how it can be snowing when there aren't any clouds in?
RT @therealzooeyd: why do advertisers think cat owners will respond to fanciness?
RT @therealzooeyd: Is, "I'm mad at my hair!" a good excuse to skip my workout today? I feel like it's valid.
RT @BrentSpiner: The Constitution grants us the right to bear arms. In this day and age, that should only mean it's okay to wear short sleeves.
Watching Gypsy! Like it's a pivitol moment & she's wearing cow pants! That's how my life happens! lmao!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

RT @brad_s_johnson: Did you know the only thing God doesn't have until we give it to Him is our love, our heart?
RT @PastorTullian: RT @PaulTripp: MinistryIsNot1stAboutTellingPeopleWhat2Do,ButTellingThemWhoTheyR,SoObedienceWillFlowOutOfCelebration.
RT @SarahPalinUSA: WatchSamaritan'sPurse/FranklinGraham'sFestivalOfHope,Sunday,Port-au-Prince;LiveWebcast@
RT @PastorTullian: "Guilt has only one purpose: to send you to Jesus."
RT @PastorTullian: The most dangerous thing that can happen to you is that you become proud of your obedience.
RT @Ali_Sweeney: RT @queenofschemes Knock, Knock. Who's There? Cowsay. Cowsay Who? Cows Say "Moo" Not "Who!"
RT @Ali_Sweeney: RT @Ga31533: @Ali_Sweeney Knock, Knock. Who's There? Woo. Woo, Who? Don't Get So Excited, It's Just A Joke
RT @Angie_Harmon: RT @giladtheone: @Angie_Harmon What'sTheDifferenceBetweenRoast Beef&PeaSoup?AnyoneCanRoastBeefButNoOneCanPeaSoup. :)
RT @leannrimes: Lego stickers are a little hard to put on accurately after coffee :)
RT @MaxLucado: God deemedChrist worthy ofGod's most important mission:2B the sacrifice4mankind.The Lamb of God was perfect,flawless,sinless.
RT @WTHRcom: Lawmakers to debate bans on smoking, mobile phones: Bills that would ban smoking in public places s...
RT @nytimes: NYT NEWS ALERT: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona Reportedly Shot in Tucson
RT @slavetobeauty: DON'T MAKE ME BLUSH!! Ladies,ToMakeYourCheeksLookLikeYouJustGotKissed4The1stTime,Layer a sheer (cont)
RT @followfriday200: @angie_harmon was #6 Most Recommended Celebrity this week on Twitter
RT @TheBibleDay: Faith isn't the ability 2 believe long & far into the misty future.It's simply taking God @ His Word & taking the next step
RT @TheBibleDay: Faith isn't the ability 2 believe long & far into the misty future.It's simply taking God @ His Word & taking the next step
RT @foxnewspolitics: Obama Administration Reportedly Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans
RT @TheBibleDay: All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
RT @brad_s_johnson: No matter who follows or unfollows u on Twitter, or friends or unfriends u on Facebook,God adores u. Friend&follow Him.
RT @therealzooeyd: bundt cake recipe courtesy of baked explorations (it's the olive oil orange cake!) -
RT @CSMlibrary: RT @wikileaks: US demands Twitter handover private user data on WikiLeaks | Guardian
RT @womensweardaily: "She doesn't need an award, she needs an intervention" - Joanna Coles' husband, about Coles' obsession with jewelry.
RT @womensweardaily: Joanna Coles, Editor-in-Chief of Marie Claire, accepts the award for Journalistic Excellence at the Annual GEM Awards.
RT @foxnation: State Dept Bans 'Mother' and 'Father'
RT @fredthompson: GOP bill to eliminate Obama's "czars". Ya know, if this thing passes, the unemployment rate in the DC area is gonna double
RT @foxnation: The Amazing Photos of Life on Earth Taken from Space
RT @nytimes: French Vogue Names New Editor
RT @womensweardaily: The5thAnnualIndependentHandbagDesignerAwardsIsFieldingEntriesFromIndependentAccessoriesDesigners:
RT @shervin: "DanceLikeThePhoto'sNotBeingTagged,LoveLikeYou'veNeverBeenUnfriended,TweetLikeNobody'sFollowing." rick marini, @branchout
RT @therealzooeyd: My Christmas bundt cake #Mycakes
RT @csmonitor: Verizon iPhone set for early February release: report
RT @csmonitor: Peanut Brittle!-Making peanut butter brittle in microwave is foolproof &creates little mess.

Friday, January 7, 2011

RT @foxnewspolitics: House Republicans Push Bill to Shut Down White House 'Czars'
RT @leannrimes: RT @TameraMowryTwo: Wise words frm a 90 year old woman, "Wht othr ppl thnk of u is none of ur business."
RT @shervin: RT @Drudge_Report: New data collected from sensors left on moon in 1971...
RT @shervin: RT @parislemon: What Is This Verizon Event And Why Was I Invited? Could It Be? Dare I Say??iPhone?
RT @GarySinise: Check out tonight's new episode. It's going to be a great one.
RT @leannrimes: RT @TonyGaskins: Beware of miserable people who's only goal in life is to make you as miserable as them.
RT @Drudge_Report: HOA sues Marine, says flapping US flag disturbs neighbors...
RT @slavetobeauty: "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."- Eleanor Roosevelt
Some tears have to be cried no matter what the hour - until they are, they simply rave and burn inside. - Needful Things by Stephen King
RT @fxnopinion: RT @fxnscitech: #Breaking News MagneticNorthPoleShifts ...&StrangeButTrue,ForcesClosures@FL Airports
RT @DonnieWahlberg: 2day-B TheBest!YourBest!GiveNoLess.We AllFailTests&WeAllMisstepButWeWillNeverLookBackW/Regret-IfWeDidOurBest.
RT @Paula_Deen: The Lady and Sons is closed for renovations, but you can try our recipes until we open back on the 13th!
RT @foxnation: World's Fattest Man Sues Government: It's Their Fault I've Gained Weight!
RT @WTHRcom: FOP 2 pay Bisard legal fees: (I'd like to see them call me for a donation this year! NO WAY!!!)
RT @Drudge_Report: MysteryOfMassAnimalDeathEpidemicDeepensAfter8,000DovesFallDeadInItaly;StrangeBlueStainOnBeaks...
RT @brad_s_johnson: It's a good day 2 let someone off the hook. Shock them w/ grace. Let ur forgiveness b quick & ur kindness amazing.
RT @slavetobeauty: It'sImportant2GiveYourHair/SkinProperNutrients w/Masks. I Like2Wear a Hair&SkinMaskWhile I...
RT @Drudge_Report: NYC Health Department: 41% Of City Pregnancies Result In Abortion...
RT @PastorTullian: "The only people who get any better are people who know that, if they don't get any better, God will still love them."
RT @leannrimes: Make peace with your heart, so then you can start to make peace with other's. Without one, there's not the other.
RT @bretmichaels: Bret appears on The History Channel show "Top Gear" Sunday, January 9th. Don't miss it!
RT @leannrimes: If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy" -Proverb
RT @Kellie_Martin: My #FF is all about my upcoming @HallMarkChannel movie "Smooch." Fellow actors: @SimonKass @KiernanShipka @NickUllett.
RT @csmonitor: Photo: Ridiculously cute picture of the day and it's related to good news. Sweet! abcworldnews:
RT @PastorTullian: The Pharisees relished rules and repudiated relationships. What do we relish? What are we drawn to?
RT @candacecbure: I'll be on the Fashion Patrol tonight on the TV Guide channel if you want to check it out!
RT @MaxLucado: Jesus' miracles were proof of his divinity, they were God's endorsement.God gave Jesus his seal of approval.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

RT @shervin: RT @cpalmieri: BestCommentOnNew #starbucks Logo:"AtThisRate,ByTheYear2084,It'llJustBeAnExtremeClose-UpOfHerNostrils."
RT @foxnewspolitics: House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Birthright Citizenship Amendment
RT @PastorTullian: "The very thing we avoid like the plague, our weakness and our sin, is the door to grace in our lives." Paul Miller
RT @PastorTullian: "We begin to mature as Christians by realizing that we don't have it all together." Paul Miller
RT @nytimes: The Tipsy Diaries: 3 Cocktails That Share an Exquisite Secret
RT @slavetobeauty: ScaredOfNeedles?WhenApplyingLipgloss,LetItSitSlightlyAboveYourUpperLipLine.WhenTheLightHitsIt,TheyWillAppearMuchLarger!
RT @JasonRitter: People who own dogs and cats and fish and hamsters just to get attention are so petty.
RT @womensweardaily: Not sure what2do in Florence 4 Pitti Uomo? Here, highlights from the schedule of events:
RT @GarySinise: Hey folks! Doing Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight.
RT @womensweardaily: @ People'sChoiceAwards starlets NataliePortman&MilaKunis broke out layersofrufflesonshortfrocks:
RT @MarleeMatlin: The Wii game u can't put down&that's greatFAMILYfun-not just4kids! It's called uDraw. Check it out (Ad)
RT @PaulPoteet: They are Head & Shoulders above regular flakes! RT @peteg25: @paulpoteet what big snowflakes you have!
RT @Ali_Sweeney: What To Do (And Not to Do!) If You Forget Your Shampoo
RT HOUSEonFOX: Congrats to #HOUSE, Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein for winning big at the People's Choice Awards last night!
RT @CSMlibrary: How much do you know about the #Constitution? #quiz #UnitedStates
RT @nbcchuck: RT @littlechuckfan: #CHUCK fans!Mark ur calendars&show ur support 4 @Y_Strahovski 1/10/11
RT @PastorTullian: "What repeatedly kills our witness is pretense, not freedom."
RT @PastorTullian: If u're overly concernd w/what others think, then u're livin in the prison of human approval.Only gospel can set u free!
RT @CSMlibrary: What's happening to bees? Some species decline by over 90%:
RT @brad_s_johnson: It is not in the day we see the farthest, but in the night; for it is then we see the stars. Do not fear the dark.
RT @Drudge_Report: Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects -- Tampa airport?
RT @fxnopinion: RT @dangainor: Love how upset left gets about a simple reading of Constitution. Imagine if House actually acts on it. #TCOT
RT @nytimes: View our annotated guide to the Constitution, as Republicans hold a ceremonial reading today:
RT @PastorTullian: OnlyTheGospelCanHelpSteerUAwayFrom aConstantTendencyToDriftInto aPerformance-DrivenRelationship W/God
RT @brad_s_johnson: If Money is ALL you have, you're poor indeed.
RT @PastorTullian: When we worship at the altar of another human being, we chain ourselves to false expectations. --Steve Brown
RT @MaxLucado: Are u more dinghy than cruise ship?More blue jeans than blue blood?Congratulations.God changes the world with folks like you!
RT @foxnation: NBC News Anchor: Republicans are 'Bastards Who Want to Destroy the American Dream'
RT @nytimes: U.N. Data Notes Sharp Rise in World Food Prices