Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jay's Mom

Jay's Mom's Arrangements
Claudia Kai Ellis
passed away 04/09/2010
viewing at Needham's in Gas City Tuesday 2-4 and 6-8
funeral Wednesday 1:00
burial at estates of serenity

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stuff I Found Today

Easy Ways To Skip Some Calories
Definitely gonna implement the last 3 tips!

Pope May Not Have Immunity
I think they need to start from the bottom up - get the one's who did it/do it prosecuted and behind bars, then do what you can about cover-ups.

Sandra Reportedly Draw Up Divorce Papers
Awwwww - I was kinda hoping he'd get help and they'd work this out.  But I can completely understand her decision on this.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stuff I Found Today

Blackberry Boos
Man, I want an IPhone - just hate Centennial/AT&T

Giant Isopod - Terrifying Sea Creature
That is gross!  Like a giant cockroach, praying mantis, Roly Poly, alien thing!!!!!!!

April Fool's Day!
Next year my kids better watch out!  LOL

Items To Avoid Buying In Bulk
Well, our family is still to large to worry about much going bad.  I do have to agree with the part where you buy something in bulk that you usually buy in smaller quantities and then it's still gone in the same amount of time.  That happens a lot at my house.  Try hiding them or rotating things. 

Catholic Church On High Horse
Dude, this happens A LOT! It's not like you just hear of this occasionally. These church leaders molest people CONSTANTLY. As a Christian (though not Catholic) I find it deplorable that there is not much done about it. My goodness, if this happened this constantly, say with the Boy Scouts, there would be investigations and SOMETHING would be done to make sure this situation "never" happened again. Why do the bigwigs in the Catholic Church think they are above reproof and reproach?

Pirates Seized By US Navy Ship!
Ya HOO!  Score one for the US, baby!

The Vatican Thinks The Pope Should Be Immune To Trials;_ylt=AvKSTyo9dOOPNW1k2yr4ytYV6w8F;_ylu=X3oDMTMyMTRvamttBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTAwNDAxL3VzX3BvcGVfYWJ1c2UEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM2BHBvcwM2BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDcG9wZWhhc2ltbXVu
Absolutely ridiculous. So, because he's a "head of state" he isn't to be held accountable for what he does or does not do and he's not to be held accountable for those that he rules over? What a bunch of malarky! These sex-abusers need tried and punished (and labeled as such and have to report) just like every other regular person who would do this. And those who cover it up aught to get it just as bad. What utter nonsense! What do you think these guys are gonna say when they get to heaven and stand before God - there are no secrets from Him...

IPad Reviews
I soooooooooooo wanna try one!  How much are they?

Having an Easter dinner at my in-laws.  Looking for something to bring.  Thought Jello might be a nice change.  Here's some recipes I found:
I like this food librian - gonna follow her blog!
Think I'm gonna pick the Broken Glass Jello.  May get the kids involved to help!  Thanks!

Happy Easter!